Tuesday 1:00 p.m.
Since this bloggy is essentially about the bliss, I like to post when any little changes occur in how things are developing with the old juju of jujus, the Great Vajrayana. Today I think I should say something about the wee sleeps.
When I was a young person, I was unable to catnap. Once I was on a bus going with my pal Jerry going to Haymarket Station en route to Glasgow and a rock concert, and he managed to sleep all the way along Princes Street. I was impressed. Of course, Jerry had a proper jobbie then and had to get up at seven after going to bed around one or two. Anyway, I can have wee snoozes now.
This has really come to the fore since the kiddo left the couch about five years ago. For years whenever you went into the living room, she was lying on the couch watching Friends. Then she launched and yahoo! I got a shot of the couch. These days I usually have a wee snooze at least once a day. If dozing off often is a sign of old age, what a great old age I'm going to have!
I like falling asleep on the couch much better than I like falling asleep in bed. I don't usually get anything like the same amount of bliss when I'm going to sleep in bed. I don't know why. If I did, I'd never be out of the bed!
So one of the photies is of my lying on the couch. I always cover myself with my magic towel, the one the Domestic Bliss bought me in Australia in 1990. I've never used it to dry myself and have always used it for sitting on while I meditate.
If you'd like to make me an offer for the magic towel, now is a good time due to the depths of the lonely financial zone!
The towel was washed once in the last twenty years, but that only happened when the Domestic Bliss got to it when I was away somewhere. There must have been about 15,000 hours of meditations done on that towel! Yours for only £1500! A bargain. Any more meditating and any less washing and it'll beat any flying carpet over twenty yards any day soon.
The development I'd like to note is the balooming of the mid brain chakra after wakening up from the wee sleeps. So you start with the lie down and covering up, then the bliss checks in right away; the doze comes on and then the bliss is usually there when you start to come to consciousness again. I can't describe how good this sometimes feels. This is when the bit in the middle of the bliss - which seems to be in the mid-brain - goes baloom! Like, it seems to suddenly expand. Then goes again. Baloom! This is brilliant. It don't know what the hell it is, but it does feel very nice indeed. Unfortunately, you have to open your eyes and get up!
The other photies were taken at the bus stop this morning.
I say!
Wilson wants to bid Zim $1,500 for the towel.
Mingin'! I'll think about it if he throws in a couple of cows and a wife! Hotboy p.s. Forget the cows. Forget the wife. I'll swop him for anything that'll buy four bottles of Erdinger anywhere!
I suspect if she gets it and washes it again you'll be left with nothing but a pile of threads.
I can't nap on the couch very often. But I'm getting back to walking meditations again. Thinking of building an endless loop pathway in my garden for just that.
Marie! My comment to your comment has disappeared again. It's my comfort blanket obviously! I don't think folk should wait to ambush your stuff and do stuff to it when you're not looking just because they want to inflict different values on you. Or, what's the matter with filth? I rest my case. Hotboy
By and large I would agree with your assessment of the treatment of other folks stuff. Unless it is in shared space and smells bad. Then I'm for the wash.
I think comfort objects are good things. But it will still be comfortable if it is clean.
Marie! I do take that point. My partner has enough weirdness to put up with! Hotboy
Hotters. What possible weirdness could the DB have to put up with?
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