Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Clear way ahead!

Wednesday 8:37 p.m.
It's amazing what a difference a month makes at this time of year. There's still a chill in the wind tonight, but the plants are starting to explode into life. One of the photies is from last night when the Domestic Bliss and I went for a walk up the allotment. The allotment shot was taken today. It's of a branch of the apple tree. It's great that everything has come alive! The climate in this country is really brilliant so long as you don't have to work outside when it's horrible. Chilly Jockoland is really a fabulous, fabulous country to live in. So it is!

I dug up the last of last year's tatties today. I've never had tatties in the ground all winter. I wonder if they froze then unfroze. Anyway, I got them out just before they started growing again. The leek was pulled out. Over-wintered.

I don't have to go to the jobbie till Tuesday!! I reckon if I work my butt off, I can have most of the allotment dug and planted by then. Then that'll be off my back, so I can run and shadow box and do all the stuff I really like doing. I think I'm going to start writing again as well. I finished the crime book just before Christmas, I think.

It's two weeks till I get paid. As long as I don't need money for anything, that's fine. But I'm going to stop being like this. Being broke half the month. I mean, I can do it, but it's not necessary. I'd do anything except work.


Anonymous said...

I say!

Michael Portillo fed and looked after a family of five kids from the proletarian part of town for a week for 2/6d and I'd vote for him, if I were you, but I think he's not standing because he rather over-enjoyed the extra-curriculum activities at public school, so the rumour goes.

I'd vote for Screeming Lord Such, if I were you, except that I think he's dead.


Anonymous said...

I say!

When is the Bliss Party political broadcast? And will it be on the iPlayer?


Anonymous said...

I say!

Is the second snap an underfed goat?


Doc Bob said...

Your enthusiasm for the climate is a concern. I fear the denial is more severe than I thought. You may be beyond help.

Hotboy said...

Mingin'! Michael Portillo isn't standing because he got kicked out the last time. But I like him on the telly.
Albert? You'll probably enjoy the rain after living in yon desert. Hotboy