Monday 9:50 p.m.
"A dead rat! Ah, what company that would be!" Samuel Beckett.
Company is the only one of the Beckett's prose works I've read. It's brilliant, but most depressing, so I didn't read any more. Being an atheistic existentialist doesn't look like any fun at all, Jack! It was stuff like that which got me started on the meditations in the first place!
Tonight I was up at the hut to clear it out before Uncle Brian comes to fix it. Just to the right of where I sit there is a fold down chair leaning against the shelves. It had been covered by a plastic bag to keep the rain off it, and somehow a rat had managed to get itself killed there. What was left of it was kind of hanging about shoulder height entangled in the chair and the bag. It must have been there a long time and was mostly fur when I put it on the pyre. You can maybe see it in the photie. I must have had quite a few meditations with the dead rat over the winter. I'm not making this up. "Ah, what company that would be!"
I suspect its brother and cousins will come to the funeral. Rarely do you see just one rat. I've got at least 3 in my garden.
Interestingly they like to argue with the seagulls about use of the ground. Which is rather funny to watch.
Marie! If I could just observe the rats from a distance, that would be okay, but if I'm going to sit in the hut, I don't want them visiting me. Also, they're the biggest rats I've ever seen! Hotboy
I say!
Did you eat it once it was off the braai?
Mingin'! I think the other rats had most of it before I noticed it was there! Hotboy p.s. uncooked as well!
I say!
How spiffing that the old hut is getting a makeover. Well done that chap Uncle Brian. Out with the late rats, in with the hot tub.
Mingin'! Things did not turn out quite as hoped for with Uncle Brian. Hotboy
Looks like the rat died of the smoke. It's a warning.
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