Wednesday 28 April 2010

Flattening the Himalayas!

10:35 p.m.
Posted after four bottles of beer weighing in at around 5.3%

According to the statcounter thing, nobody ever comes here, Jack, except for you and moi! I come here an awful lot.

The fourth years are supposed to be on exam leave around about now, which means the school teachers have got rid of them for a while and don't want them around the place. Still, four of them arrived in the library on Monday, saying they wanted to study for their exams, but not wearing school uniforms.

School uniforms are a great idea, especially for girls. It's the only time you'll see a girl wearing a tie, for instance. But these girls who show up and sneak into the library are not in school uniforms and I don't know nothing about this school since I meditate when I'm there for most of the time, and I think they're maybe supposed to be there, or whatever.

I have to tell you right now that I'm very old and ugly, with some kind of leprosy or skin cancer affecting my face and all, but I'm sitting there at the issue desk with nothing much to do except gaze at the kalacharkra mandala which is on the computery thing.

The girl is probably fifteen. Afterwards I had to tell the police that I thought she said she was sixteen, but she might have been fourteen. Who knows? Well, in fourth year she's fifteen. I have never been a fifteen year old girl and I always assume girls are the Virgin Mary. Anyway, there's a few of them turn up and I'm not going to bother them although they are not wearing school uniforms. Preposterous pink jump suits, etc. Anyway, they are quiet at this table and actually doing some studying so live and let live.

She comes up to speak to me. I'm saying nothing. The top is a bit low cut and not really appropriate for being at school. I'm an anarchist. Fair enough. She asks me a question about a book and has to stretch over a wee bit. I do not look. My eyes are fixed on the screen. I tell her we do not have a book about Aquincourt Pastreycooks. She goes away. This happens a couple of times.

This is my fault. This has nothing to do with her. Three times she comes up to the desk and asks me quite reasonable questions and I say that's fine, I don't have it, but I have leprosy or at least some kind of degenerative face disease which makes me awful ugly.

She then says: Have you a pencil sharpener? Yes. I give her the pencil sharpener. She says where's the bin? The bin is behind my desk, and she comes round behind my desk and sharpens her pencil over the bin, bending down in front of me.

Did you look away, Hotboy? Did you wait a few seconds and look away? Did you just stand there?

You'll have an easier time flattening the Himalayas than you will eradicating lust, Jack.

Fashion note for this summer. Last summer the folk who take the piss out of women by selling them garments with no material in them had them all half way falling out of their tops. This was better than the two years before which had women showing off their beer bellies. This year what we will have is tights thick enough so that you can get away with hardly wearing any skirts at all, like you can wear a shirt over these kind of tights. Plus, falling out of the top of these garments, no beer bellies. This is actually quite good for us dirty old men. Just add in the tottering around on high heels - what genius ever got women to wear those? - and add in the pelmets with the thick tights and the falling out of their dresses - no wonder it is easier to flatten the Himalayas than to subdue lust!


Anonymous said...

I say!

I would like to say that, thank goodness, and about time (we've been waiting a long time for this) your blog has finally adressed the essential question: where is your pencil sharpener?


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! All questions but no answers as usual! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I read everything you post, but your statcounter doesn't record it because I view it in Google Reader.

Hotboy said...

Doggy! I can't believe you got so technically advanced in the states! God knows what Google Reader is! Also, I'm glad you stopped driving about in a motor. Thinking of you going a bike was scary enough! Hotboy p.s. The statscounter thing registers about ten to twenty unique visitors a day. A lot of these posts are written whilst I am inebriated. I suppose you noticed that!!

onan the bavarian said...

This could be the first page of the novel to make your fortune. I'll buy it if there are pictures.

Hotboy said...

Albert? I expect to inherit some nazi gold from someone for a seat on the spaceship on the dark side of the moon so I don't need any more of a fortune than that. Hotboy