Monday 31 May 2010


Monday 10:55 p.m.
Does anyone out there have an O'Level in Botany?

The allotment is now awash in weeds. I do not know where these plants come from. I assume the seeds are wee tottie things you cannot see whilst digging. You have an aspect of dependent origination since the seed will need water and soil. From comments I had in previous years, it seems that the plant does not suck up the earth, but only water. It uses the minerals in the water to make itself. Is that it?

So what are weeds made of and why are they so big? Like how much mineral does it take to make the plant that big? Is it sucking carbon out of the water .... I know nothing at all about plants. I assume there has been just a very little amount from the earth to make this really quite a big thing when you consider that you can't even see the seed. I know it's getting energy from the sun. Photosynthesis.

The more you look at plants with all your ignorance of botany, the more amazing they become.

They must be ninety odd percent water.

So you pull up the weed and cover it up in the ground. Has the soil gained anything here, or has it just been equalised somehow? Has the plant added something that wasn't there before, from the sun and the water? I don't know what to do with the weeds. I usually just let them grow. Nobody grows weeds like me. I must be doing something wrong. Any suggestions?

The photies were taken at the bus stop this morning. Nice day.


Anonymous said...

Hi Hotboy.

You should weed the weeds.


Hotboy said...

Tollie! What kind of anal retentive nonsense is this!? I would like to know if they add value to the soil. Hotboy

Marie Rex said...

I think I might be a better weed grower than you. I tend to leave them because they help the bees and little birds survive by providing food and shelter.

Besides I'm a poor gardener.

I waved at you as I drove through Edinburgh yesterday. From the airport to the train station. What a mess all that construction is.

Really nice to be back in Scotland. My garden is pretty much a weed patch. Except for the tomatoes.

Anonymous said...

chico caliente
weeds are just flowers in the wrong place?

Hotboy said...

Marie! I'm into big volumes here! This is a tennis court covered in weeds. Glad you got back through the volcanic disturbances. Hotboy
Spango Yogini! Some of them are really quite nice. There are poppies growing everywhere. I'm not pulling them out! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

the reason weeds proliferate quickly is their ruderal grow strategy (they put all their resources into rapid growth and reproduction instead of long term stable growth). weeds are able to maintain this rapid life cycle because they have adapted to thrive in environments where the natural soil and vegetation have been disturbed or damaged. they need little nutrients and water and their seeds can survive in the soil's seed bank for years. if weed seeds settle into an area with a water source and a touch of healthy soil, the result is weeds galore!

i can ramble on about weeds too!

Hotboy said...

Dashy! Weeds galore! Indeed! I am putting off doing anything about them until this evening. But I've just worked out ...

gream said...

Marie! I don't understand these computery things! Must be just a temporary glitch surely! Hotboy

Royal Hill