May Ist, 11:30 a.m.
It was May Day twenty two years ago when the Big Jambo and Jeannie took my on my first visit to the Samye Ling. So I try to dedicate this day's meditations to him. I must have been meditating for about three years then, but probably only twenty minutes here and there, as you would do when you start meditating.
I remember looking round the Samye Ling and thinking: I could come here and meditate!
The Big Jambo also recommended and gave me a loan of The Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, which I found most inspiring.
Because of such things, I remember the Big Jambo in my first meditation every day. Gone but not forgotten.
Several friends of mine are on anti-depressants. When I started meditating, I used to justify my endeavours by thinking that meditating would improve my mood by about two percent a year. Just by lifting some stress and making you smile a little more easily sometimes. I've told this to these folk on anti-depressants. Even the old ones might live for quite a bit longer yet. The two per cents add up.
Do they listen, Jack? No, they don't, Hotboy! Why is that, Jack? They're just too dumb to meditate, Hotboy. Even if you are too dumb to meditate, it's probably better not to blow your brains out, though I may myself sometimes advise flatheids to do this. You'll be dead soon enough anyway.
Hotters. Have you tried listening to the folk who tell you to try the antidepressants? It can only help.
Albert? I have always enjoyed anti-depressants on the basis that if they can cheer you up when you're depressed, just think what they'll make you feel like if you're okay to start with. Taking them all the time makes your brain look like a walnut after a while though. Wouldn't make much difference to some folk! Hotboy
Are you confusing your brain with your prostate? That looks like a walnut. Not that I've ever knowingly seen yours.
Albert? So you're not going to give me some of your anti-depressants then? No wonder nobody likes you! Hotboy
I'd need the loaves and fishes trick to distribute bliss pills to all the folk who ask. Bite the bullet and fess up to your doctor. It's nothing to be ashamed of. They might even be free on the NHS for old guys.
PS would you share some of your weissbier please? You wouldn't miss just a couple of bottles here and there.
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