Monday 10:00 p.m.
Last year a wee crow fell out of its nest and was hopping about in the road between the trees in the park. Big crows swooped down on anyone who went near it. As I walked down from the allotment passed this scene, I had a wish to get the wee crow and take it to the hut where I could look after it. I thought the foxes would get it when it grew dark. I thought they'd get it in the hut as well, what with the holes in the wall.
A couple of years ago, I visited my brother Grizzly, who lives surrounded by trees, and he went to his window and called for the raven. He'd hand reared this when it fell out of its tree. Amazed I was when this raven flew up and landed on the window sill, and came inside. He gave it a plate of cornflakes. Hard to imagine anything more black and beautiful and more incongruous than that bird eating cornflakes in his living room.
Konrad Lorenz studied jackdaws. He said when you fell out with one jackdaw, you fell out with all the jackdaws. They told on you to all their pals.
It was easy to tell where the fox was tonight in the allotments because, wherever it went, a crow followed close behind and made a racket. Every creature great and small was going to know something was afoot. That's how I got the photies.
I felt a bit guilty about not doing something about the wee crow last year. The big crows would swoop, but I don't think they'd actually hit you, or claw you on the way passed. Now that I've got the hut in better shape I could hand rear one this year.
When Grizzly eventually took the raven out to fly about, all the other ravens gathered round and gave it support, and accepted it back into their group. A friend of the ravens forever would Grizzly be after that.
In photie 1, who's the guy in the hat with his shirt off, knee deep in long grass?
In another photie, I'm not surprised the cat's climbing the wall to get away from your accusing finger. Your nails could do with a trim.
Albert? All the photies are of me! Hotboy
The ground's covered in purple. You can't eat heather you know, but I suppose the bees might feed on it and drive the fox away. Maybe you do know what you're doing.
The post is actually interesting. Magnificent birds. Awful to see one dying. I better not tell you about the one that died here, it's worse than the dead naked lady story.
They're all you? How very organic! In some photies you look six feet under.
Albert? The mobile phone camera is a good way to remind yourself that nothing exists in the manner of its appearance. Wonky colours are the norm. But why shouldn't the ground be purple? BTW Have you ever tried to help an animal in trouble, or do you just grab them and start cutting them up? Hotboy
Tollie! Would you eat road kill? Maybe I don't want to hear the answer to that! What about pets? Having a crow that sat on your shoulder would be dead cool. Albert's not going to eat his dog when it dies. Well, he might but that's no excuse for not making a pet out of an otherwise gobbled up crow!Hotboy
I would help a dog in trouble, but I shoot mynah birds with my catapult. It all balances up.
Albert? The birds can talk. You would help a dog in trouble? Is this an aborting puppy thing we're onto now? Hotboy
I only eat roadkill if it's 'well matured'
Do you really have a brother called Grizzly - that's the coolest monicer - was he a Hell's Angel in a different life?
TheP! Who are you? I wish you meditated, but you probably don't. My eldest brother is called Sylvest, row of forty medals on his chest, big chest! Grizzly is younger than him. The deid one is younger than him and was older than me. I'm Hotboy and Popeye, who is a sailor man, is younger than me. Grizzly is called Grizzly because he is grizzly. Thanks for asking. Hotboy
It's actually quite hard to find this bloggie, methinks. I started it to get away from the more than enough readers of the last bloggie. Not many folk read it which is cool and I'm too vulnerable just now to be getting strange women landing on this bloggie. Just don't tell me you're not stalking me now! Hotboy
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