Thursday 16 July 2009

Samye Day 9

9:11 a.m.
I had a weird dream last night. I was lying in a hospital bed at the kind of disco party for folk from my jobbie. I asked how someone was.

This very nice woman, younger than I am, was given the black spot a couple of months ago. I've been dedicating meditations, etc., to her though I suspect this might not do her any good, but it might be doing me some. Anyway, last I heard she was on chemotherapy.

So I leans out of the hospital bed to ask this man about her. It turns out it's her husband, whom I've never seen. He says I won't have heard what with me being in the hospital, but she'd just passed away. I could see her son moving by looking grief stricken and I wakened up.

Four in the morning as well. So I sat up and did some juju for her just in case. Shit! Who'd want to be clairvoyant? You'd be better off getting it by email!

Tai Situ said having any control in the bardo would be like being given a pen and a piece of paper then being chucked out of a jet plane and being expected to write a four line poem before you hit the ground.

In the stage I'm at, I won't be any better off than you, Jack!

"Them that dies (when they dies) will be the lucky ones!" Long John Silver.

Weather crap. Meditations brilliant. Everything else same old, same old. But what a day I'm going to have!!!


doc bob said...

If you want to explore the dream further, my rates are quite reasonable.

Start by asking the son what he feels about his mother. That's 10 quid by the way.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Quack, quack, says the duck. Hotboy p.s. I'm sure she's not dead .... yet. Probably telling me I'm not quaranteed the time, being in a hospital bed at the time. What do your think of that then?

doc bob said...

Most encouraging insight. There may be something in this retreat malarkey after all but you'll put me out of business.

Hotboy said...

Albert? I'm remembering dreams I have nearly every night which is unusual. Hotboy