Friday 10 July 2009

Samye Day 3 Too!

9:00 p.m.
What a wonderful day I've had today! When the sun shines, and you've settled in, and the meditations are going well, there isn't a better place to be on this sweet earth!

You have to expect bits which aren't so good; when you're tired and at a loss, kind of between things. I don't expect I'll get any of that this time. This is partly because I'm not trying so hard what with going jogging and whatnot. Also, I have a portable CD player with me which the Domestic Bliss gave me years ago and I never used. I'm using it now to play CDs of the Dhammapada I borrowed off the auld maw. So everything is going just superbly!

While jogging today, I came across six geese, then a turkey. What? Then I saw the whole farmyard like something out of Walt Disney with the chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys and all wandering about and out of the gate into the road. A little further along I saw a weasel cross the road. That's the first time I've seen one in the wild since I was at primary school.

The meditations in the temple just before I got here were just brilliant. I'm going off to the tent now and will sit up for a while and see what happens.

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