Thursday 9 July 2009

Samye Day 2.

1:23 p.m.
My meditations are already much improved. Total crackerjack before lunch today.

Things might be a bit easier for me if I believed in rebirth. My position is that I don't believe in anything I don't know for certain, and since almost all thoughts are misconceived, relative, partial and almost always lying basturns ....

I'm re-reading Mullin's translations of the the Book of the Three Inspirations. In the introduction, he relates a chat he had at Kopan with the dharma brother, coincidentally of Thebten Yeshe who is responsible for the stuff in the Bliss of Inner fire. Mullin is a wee bit concerned that he's translating stuff that used to be secret, but Lama Zopa tells him it might benefit some people. Folk who have had no past connection with it won't be interested and if they are, they won't understand it.

My eyes were opened by reading the tantric stuff. I was born in Chilly Jockoland about the time the Chinese started invading Tibet.

And if there is rebirth, the evil bourgeois, sweetie eaters will all go to hell and then be reborn as bad smells in toilets, waiting for another trillion rebirths before they get a shot of being human beings again. Hurrah! Conscious rebirth would be something interesting though ... the Baby and the Buddha along with some other stuff has me almost convinced.

I stood on my head today and did two tai chi sets. I'm thinking of running down to Eskdalemuir and back, but we'll see....

I seem to be settling in really fast, which is the main thing, and it's not even raining!


Anonymous said...

Believing and knowing are the same pathology. When you know something (or thing you do), you're separate from it. You create two fictional entities, the thing that is known and the person who knows it. Practice is closing the gap.

You don't need to believe in rebirth any more than you need to believe in breathing. You breathe constantly, and you're reborn constantly, and the process is unaffected by your beliefs.

Hotboy said...

Doggy! But I want to send the flatheids to hell! No, I don't! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

They're already in hell.

albert said...

doing the tai chi upside down is quite an achievement