Tuesday 7 p.m.
The weather forecast for today was rain, rain, rain, so I thought I'd take another day to chill out from the shenanigans of the weekend and go to the Samye Ling tomorrow. I can feel a wee infection starting in my lungs and hope that this won't be too much of a bother.
Hotboy, you can't sleep in a tent in the pouring rain (which it always is down there!) with a lung infection coming on! Yes, you can, Jack! Yes, you can! Let's hope when I wake up tomorrow, it's not too bad.
I was reading the bits of The Bliss of Inner fire that I needed to remind myself of ... the Blazing and Dripping bits, etc., because I'm not for once taking it down with me. And I came upon the bit that says why you should, and when you can, practise with a consort (It's on page 165 if you want to have a look at the google book version). Hmmmm? What an amazing time you could have if you'd practised hatha yoga with a partner and then came upon this juju to practise together! Even if you told this to a young flatheided couple ... unbelievably, they would still be too dumb to meditate!! I'm glad I'm getting away from these flatheids for a while. How can they be too dumb to meditate?
The photies were taken up the allotment this afternoon. The goosegogs at the moment are so succulent, but there's almost nothing tastes as good as a ripe strawberry taken from the ground.
I shouldn't waste time and money drinking coffee and blogging down at the Samye, but I probably will.
Spango Yogini! The way I did the crow into the headstand move was by going from a headstand into a three pointed headstand and then coming down in to the crow, up to the three pointed headstand, then back into the usual headstand. So it's kind of the other way around, but it's probably easier. If it pours down at the Samye, I'm hoping to get back into more of that stuff!
I say!
The strawberries from Zomba plateau are unbelievable. As is the cream.
chico caliente
warm greetings to you. i want to go into handstand not head stand,does that affect the triangles. writing this message is the most yoga thang ive donet oday ´apa
rt from the yoga and theb iker ide to the hotel with big swimming pool ands hady trees cos i have to go soooo slow to keep it coherent, bliss in int he samye lingloveandpeacexxx
Mingin'! Can you do that? Hotboy
Spango Yogini: I take my hat off to you! That's proper yoga! I stopped practising hatha yoga properly ten years ago, but I never got near that. My almost friend is quite good but nowhere near that! I'm having some problems with the qualities attendant with the heat arising at the moment, so I'd best stop there. Hotboy p.s. You should be the one keeping a blog, not me!! pps Tell me you meditate! You must meditate! Or at least do lots of pranayama!! God help us all!
Give my best to the Samye folk.
And you never know, it might be hot there instead of the usual.
Albert? It's not raining anyway. Not yet! Hotboy
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