Wednesday 15 July 2009

Samye Day 8 Two

8:52 p.m.
I managed to get into a headstand today in the temple with feet together and legs straight. Been some time since I was able to do this; probably just before the vein in my leg exploded last summer. Straight when it does this ... going up with your feet together and legs straight. The feet just seem to sail up of their own volition. Kind of effortlessly when the day before it seemed out of the question.

I've done the run down to the kirk at Eskdalemuir six times out of the seven full days I've been here and today was the first day I got soaked. Didn't matter except I missed the start of the silent meditation at five and lay down in the tent instead.

Doing the yoga nidra in the tent was wonderful; so blissful. There was thunder and lightning outside. Most elemental. You could feel the reverberations from the thunder coming through the air. I was having such a good time just lying there that I wondered if I should try to sit in the tent more. But the temple is a bit special. There is a vibe.

I was getting a real reaction when I took the bliss awareness down to the jewel tip chakra today. Whao! Jesus! I'm not even getting any heat when I'm doing this. What a time these boys in the caves must be having !!! What a time!!


rob said...

An explosive post.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Strange not straight. Odd mix up that. Written at speed of course! Hotboy

doc bob said...

Your mention of speed reveals a subconscious yearning to embrace the addictions.

Hotboy said...

Albert? I didn't know it was subconscious! I've already brought lou and bob into the path. You can't do it with Don Revie though. Shame, but that one will have to go! Hotboy p.s. The only one you can buy at every street corner of course!