Saturday 1:10 a.m.
I'm the usual joe. The norm. All you have to do to be a bit happier is meditate. You don't have to be smart to meditate. The grief, sorrow, lamentations ... disillusionments, disappointments and despair ... suffering in this life is what you get if you don't meditate. Or you might get. This is plainly obvious. The photies were taken at the good mother's today. She is a very nice person and I'm happy to be of some kind of reassurance. Her and the old maw together make about 182 years. I'm pissed and there's no one else here, Jack, so I'll start again.
Beautiful leaves. The bourgeoisie know how to look after their gardens. Proletarian gardeners.
Albert? I was doing a tai chi set beside the house and couldn't help but be impressed by them! Hotboy
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