Wednesday 16 June 2010

It's a small world!

Thursday 7:55 a.m.
I started the meditations today at 5:30 a.m. At the start of the day, I usually go through a list of the folk I know who have died and whom I'll like to do some juju for. There's now twenty folk on that list, the vast majority of them younger than me when they checked out.

I've decided to put the guy who topped himself last week on it for the next seven weeks since it turns out that he was also a close friend of the Spango Yogini, who shared a flat with him for three years, as well as the sensei's. It is indeed a small world!

What are you going to tell him when you visualise him, Hotboy? I'm going to tell him to go to heaven, Jack. Do you believe in heaven, Hotboy?

Samsara and nirvana are the same reality in the state of ultimate awareness.
To achieve ultimate reality, I mark everything with mahamudra, The Great Seal of emptiness.
This is the quintessence of non-duality. Milarepa, slightly misquoted perhaps.

I'd like to grow old in the conviction that nowhere is anywhere and that anywhere is nowhere; that everybody is nobody and anybody is everybody. Until then ... for the sake of visualising folk in the bardo, I can think of heaven as being just another mental formation, dependently originated, a bit like that which I'm in just now except a lot better. A pure land full of compassion where there are no flatheids, the women are all gorgeous, show great enthusiasm, and don't complain about the mess.

It might be a lot better for most folk if there is no afterlife. In the Tibetan tradition I don't think rebirth is something you'd look forward to, and the bardo between lives sounds as hairy as hell. Of course, if it's like dreaming, you might not know you are dead. And the Tibetan jujuman said controlling anything in the bardo was like getting chucked out of jet with a pencil and a bit of paper and expecting to be able to write a four line poem before you hit the ground.

has too many lines!!

It's going to be a great day for the bliss!


Marie Rex said...

As long as you imagine the men to be handsome as well. Then it is fair.

It is all a dream. But that is ok.

Hotboy said...

Marie! The men will all surely be handsome, but I'm not really bothered if they are not so handsome though I think one or two of the regular commentators here might be! Hotboy p.s. Hope the weather is good where you are, Marie. It's been a nice sunny morning here though I haven't been out in it much!

rob said...

I think the young women's "enthusiasm" is a euphemism, and a good thing too.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Just as well you always had some money to hand over. I think that simulates enthusiasm of a sort. Hotboy