Thursday 10 June 2010

More About The Writings!

Thursday 11:30 a.m.
Slept in today and didn't start meditating till an hour ago. But what a meditation that was!!

The Spango Yogini asked me about writing. I'm going to re-commence writing the book about The Traffic Warden Massacre. I had a go once this week and I'd forgotten how hard it is to write, or at least start books. I always find first drafts tough. I love re-writing. That's easy. And, yes, I type everything. I've never written in longhand. I learned to type by trying to write a book when I left uni. I thought it looked more like a printed page.

When I was lying in bed this morning, I was thinking about writing for radio. Over a ten year period, I had four radio plays produced by Radio Scotland and Radio 4. These were good. Someone once described them as "acclaimed". I think I had eight plays produced over the ten years I was writing plays, but I never thought of myself as a playwright. I was always writing prose as well.

Today I want to concentrate on the juju. I hope it rains so I don't have to go up to the allotment. There's tons of work to be done up there.

Time for one more meditation before luncho!


Anonymous said...

I say!

An acclamation, in its most common sense, is a form of election that does not use a ballot. "Acclamation" or "acclamatio" can also signify a kind of ritual greeting and expression of approval in certain social contexts in ancient Rome.


Hotboy said...


ac·claim (-klm)
v. ac·claimed, ac·claim·ing, ac·claims
1. To praise enthusiastically and often publicly; applaud. See Synonyms at praise.
2. To acknowledge or declare with enthusiastic approval: She was acclaimed person of the year.
To shout approval.
Enthusiastic applause; acclamation.
Well? Anyway, I was told to keep my name out of the papers since everyone I knew who had their names in the papers at the court report section. What do you call a Bellshillian in a suit? The accused. Hope this helps. Hotboy

rob said...

If any of the books could be adapted into radio plays, that might save time. The Remote book is topical, so they'd go for it I'm sure, if you just edit out all those confusing remote controls.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Most of my radio plays were adapted from books I couldn't sell. When I adapted Remote Control, which turned into the best radio play I wrote, they wouldn't do it and that was the end of me writing for radio. If you can sell it to the radio downunder, I'll give you ten percent off the top! Unfortunately, most radio plays were and probably still are produced by Radio 4, which is a wonderful organisation. They even put up with me for a while, until I tried to blow up Maggie Thatcher. Well, they are all ex-public schoolboys and have no bottle of course. Hotboy