Saturday 28 February 2009


Sunday 00:53 a.m.
The Dom Bliss gave me this book called Charkas, Energy Centres of Tranformation by Harish Johari, on the occasion of my fifteith birthday. It is a great book and you should read it.

I can't be bothered. This is not to say that it is better to be ignorant when you can read a book such as this. It is better, obviously, to know or not to know what this joe has got to say about the this and that. Knowledge is bound to be good. Ignorance is more profound.

I want to do the ignorance, Jack. I don't want the words, I don't want the concepts. I want to do this and see if that happens.

I can do the knowledge if there's a lot of people around me. Well, flatheids! This is something we can learn to do. Learn stuff, regurgitate stuff. But if you can get rid of the flatheids, you can just sit and sit and sit. This is the bliss! This is where the non-self is. I don't want to learn anything anymore.There's fung all to learn. I want to be alone, Jack! I want to be alone!


Anonymous said...

Be careful what you wish for.

I don't think ignorance is bliss. If it were the flatheids would be out of their heads on bliss all the time.

Reading other peoples words gives you basis for comparison. To learn if you are making progress or pretending to.

I think compassion is hard to learn alone. You need other folks for perspective.

rob said...

The statement "I can't be bothered" is redundant, in view of the spelling in this post.

rob said...

I once had a guruette who said "there are no shoulds in the universe". You should think about that.

rob said...

Apart from that, this is a most enjoyable post.

Hotboy said...

Marie and Albert! I've just had too much socialising this weekend. I find this very frustrating. I want a lot of time on my own. Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

Have you thought about developing B.O. as a method of putting off visists from the flatheids?


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! I eat raw onions for six months of the year. Only keeps away vampires. Hotboy

rob said...

Wearing a bin bag all day could help you with the BO strategy

Hotboy said...

Albert? There's nothing you can do. You have to socialise somehow. Hotboy