Saturday 12 December 2009

Too much wood!

Saturday 5:40 p.m.
I'd like to apologise to my sponsors, the Alien Creatures from Outer Space, for the many, many, many transgressions and infidelities I have committed over the years with the Australian Ladies Volleyball Squad. The sport of pocket billiards will have to do without my charismatic presence until I have rebuilt my relationship with all the spam robots on the Five Point Plan to Get Out of Your Face On Air!

Who invented all this monogamy crap? Of course, it was men, but they invented it for women. Something has gone completely wrong here. When the knights rode on the Crusades, it was the women who were put in chastity belts, not themselves. A wee while before this all the inherited wealth went sensibly through the female line, and there couldn't have been all that many problems with monogamy back then!

The human beings only really fall in love for three months. After that, the joe should just piss off and find someone else to fall in love with, leaving the josephine to go back to counting all her money.

This monogamy crap is probably all the fault of St Augustine, who thought we were all damned through original sin which came down from Adam and Eve with sex. St Paul wasn't much of a blinking help either: Get married, says he, if you can't put up with the torture. I bet the ancient Romans and Greeks weren't torturing themselves any more than they had to before these weirdos showed up!

Damn thing froze again!!

Western civilisation took sex advice from a bunch of unfortunate ones who were (supposed to be) celibate. No wonder we're all funged up!

Just had the first two joints of the day. Feel much calmer now. But ...

Bliss diary.

I started meditating today at half nine. Usually, I go through a big long rigmarole aftet the taking refuge bit, but not today. It just opened up into such bliss that I left it there for maybe a half hour or so. Sat for an hour and a half. Then I did the tai chi set, back bend over the seat, and head stand. Good boy! Then I did another hour and a half. Lunch. Then I did another hour or so, then commenced on the skipping and shadow boxing. Very hard session. Bliss bath! Then I came out and started meditating again. About half five I went out for fags, came here and had two joints.

If this was a sensible planet, if I was a golfing superstar billionaire, I should have about twenty wives and sixty children! It would be good for golf anyway. It's only the poor, useless basturns like moi, far too old for this malarkey anyway, who should be monogamous.

A fifteen year old Mike Tyson once complained to his mentor Gus Tomato that because he was an ugly basturn with a lisp, girls didn't like him. Gus told him when he was World Champion, he'd need a baseball bat to keep them off. I bet the cocktail waitresses are the worst!


rob said...

Tyson made a good job of it without even using a baseball bat. Albert would need a golf club at least, if he was ever swamped by girls.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Go on! I bet you've been swamped by girls lots of times! Hotboy