I'm afraid it's time to give up on the flatheids, them prehensiles, the evolutionary tails, and others too dumb to meditate. I really thought anyone with even a modicum of brains would want to meditate if they heard about the bliss. Oh, ra bliss, ra bliss, ra bliss!! But this is not so! In five years of telling folk about the bliss through these blogs, I don't think even one of them has started meditating. The too dumb to meditate are just too dumb to meditate.
Neither being nice to the flatheids nor insulting them has done any good at all!
You can see why the monastics were once told just to keep it under their hats. All that stuff leading to the bliss, the rapture, the ecstasy. It'll just get you into trouble. If you keep telling flatheids they are morons because they are too dumb to get the bliss, this will not make the flatheids meditate (because they are too dumb to meditate), but it will make them dislike you. They might start throwing stones at you because you have something that they haven't.
So, in future, all matters concerning the bliss will drop out of my conversations with the flatheids. If they ask me how I am getting on, I will just smile shyly and say simply fantastico. (And not rejoin with, How are things among the pondlife these days?)
I will henceforth only talk about the bliss and the juju on this bloggy!
Hotboy, tell the spam robots about the bliss! Well, Jack, the bliss just gets better and better! Having introduced the straight forward sitting up bliss, we went onto the tadasana bliss, the savasana bliss, the lying on your side bliss, and now we have the backbend and the dogpose bliss!! The last two definitely arose in a way that requires a mention this weekend gone! Oh, ra bliss, ra bliss, ra bliss!
So I'm just doing this bloggy entirely for my own amusement. None of your evangelicals anyway.
And bearing that in mind, I don't have any appointments until Christmas Day!!
So you're abandoning all flatheids, Hotboy? Correct, Jack! I'm no use to them anyway. And I'd be much better doing more meditating than having to listen to the results of the heavy duty calvinist toilet training regimes they had to endure at the hands of the evil bourgeios.
Every week the bliss is better. Every single week these days. Who knows why? Hurrah anyway!
The castle photies were taken just before eight this morning.
I say!
Is that a mammoth in the bottom snap? Didn't know they still had them in Jockoland.
Mingin'! It's my supervisor from the Alien Creatures from Outer Space. I thought only I could see him. Hotboy
I think it's two mammoths, but it's impossible to tell their sex from such wee photies, even if they do have mammoth gonads.
For all your readers know they could be gay.
The mammoths, not the readers.
Not that there's anything wrong with gay readers, they'd make a pleasant change from those annoying flatheids.
Albert? My ambition is to be a gay icon like Bette Davis, so I'm glad you are your friends land on this bloggy. Unfortunately, gay folk are just fl**heided as the rest! Hotboy
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