Tuesday 3 November 2009

The Bus Bliss

"The visions of the forms of the Deities which appear in meditation are merely signs attending the perseverance in meditation. They have no intrinsic worth or value in themselves." Milarepa.

My Auntie Kathy says you'll always have trouble with your teeth until you get them all pulled out. My dentist had a heart attack a couple of weeks ago and this coincided with one of my fillings going mental. I got most of it fixed yesterday by a locum. The real pain is when you have to pay, which we do now in Chilly Jockoland because the New Labour basturns aren't socialists.

As soon as the boy zoomed the seat back, I was doing the bliss and trying to visualise the Medicine Buddha. In the presence of the locum, the dental assistant seemed a bit frisky. She patted my arm and said I was her wee pal. A very nice looking girl indeed! If they'd just put up a sign saying she'd suck the teeth right out of your mouth, business would boom!

The last time I went meditating on a Monday night with the nun was about June. So it was interesting to go last night and see how the space behind the eyes had developed.... there's a lot of this kundalini stuff filling out the sheath these days. And you might be meditating away there good style when it all seems to open up somehow into even more bliss and light. I wonder if this is the "channels" opening, or the "winds" entering the central channel. This has been going on since the summer anyway. A real delight when this happens.

9:45 p.m.
Today in the bus to work I didn't sit in my usual style. Normally, I put my knees up on the seat in front and curl onto my bag. But today I felt very blissed after the morning meditation and sat up like a normal joe. What amazing bliss! That's the best it's ever been on the bus. Such bus bliss! Whatever next!


Anonymous said...

I say!

My grandmother's 21st birthday present was to get all of her teeth extracted. They did that sort of thing in those days.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! I run with someone who has no teef at all! You don't need them. Hotboy

rob said...

Here is South Caledonia we have always had to pay. How else would dentists be able to afford to upgrade their yachts?

Coincy dentally, somebody here (not me) has the winds in their central channel.

I used to have the bus seat knees up postural distortion, but busting a disc makes you leave such things behind.

Hotboy said...

Albert? When the Disbelieving Congregational Party take over this country, you won't have to pay for anything. Also, you won't have hardly any money to pay for anything anyway. Everyone is going to be just as skint as moi, the basturns! Hope this helps. Hotboy

rob said...

Thank goodness there's always home brew. They can't take that away. Can they?

PS one hopes the Wilson thing was enjoyed by all. I was going to call but didn't want to put a damper on it.