Thursday 19 November 2009

The Bliss

Thursday 11:22 p.m.
The bliss was interrupted by the postman just there.

Tell the spam robots about the bliss, Hotboy. Well, there's no point in telling the flatheids about it, Jack, since it will never be more than a word to them.

Ringu Tulku said it was easy to open the channels, but you had to do things in the right order since you may not be able to close them again. Hmmm?

There's the usual, copious amounts of bliss you get from the meditations dependant on the various factors, largely it seems from how long you've been meditating and how well, and what your lifestyle is like, etc.

This morning - and I can't really say how long this has been going on for, but it's not long - it starts to open. So you've got your eyes closed and you're getting a lot of bliss alright when something occurs and it just seems to open out. Now you are really talking bliss!!! This is the bliss! This is the bliss! Put a vase breath in there and ... and the doorbell rings!

A few years ago when I was down at the Samye Ling, I was trying to put in the symbols and whatnot when everything seemed to just open up and the whiteness of the bliss just blew any chance of getting any colour in there right out the window. It's that kind of thing that seems to be occurring more often now. Usually, I can get it if I meditate for about three hours in the morning, say. It was there in half an hour today.

Milarepa didn't become enlightened on his own or even for himself. He took a lot of people with him. Shakymuni caused several folk to become enlightened during his first sermon. Obviously, what is happening to me is due to my association with the Samye Ling and the two buddha brothers, particularly my root guru, Lama Yeshe. On a simple level, this is obviously true since that's where I could go to do my wee retreats and whatnot. It's happening on another level as well, one which is way beyond my understanding. Anyway, it took a leap when Lama Yeshe went into the seven weeks in the dark retreat last summer.

I don't suppose I'll ever understand what's going on really. The tims say that only God has full knowledge. The buddhists might tell you that the buddha was omniscient. What do I know? It's only for joes like moi to go back into the lobby, stand on my head for a bit, and get back into the bliss. Oh, ra bliss, ra bliss, ra bliss!!


Rob said...

You don't say who was at the door, so maybe you took my advice and didn't answer it.

It could have been the Miller Reaper guy.

rob said...

You're right about opening things inthe right order then doing them up in sequence. Get that wrong and it can be embarrassing at casualty.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Your advice about not answering the door and not answering the phone is all very well, but don't you think this might be a bit misanthropic. Albert? Misanthropic? In adjacent sentences? Shurley shume mishtake! What if it was a poor soul needing help? What if it was someone like myself, or myself? I always answer the door. For several years the entry door gizmo didn't work and then we got it fixed. (I say we, but it wasn't moi!) Then I'm sitting quietly doing nothing and the doorbell rings from 67 steps below and neither the Dom Bliss or the Kiddo got off their backsides to answer it. I couldn't believe it! Thank God once you turn 40 no one ever comes to visit. Thank God you know less and less people who would come and visit as you grow old. Welcome to the Desolate Citadel syndrome. Might as well blow your brains out. This is the manifestation of the evil bourgeois coming to fruit. It just starts with this vicious toilet training. They live in little boxes, don't they, these middle class basturns! No sense of community. Don't answer the door. Don't answer the phone. How many flatheids are coming to your funeral then? Hope this helps, but it probably won't. Hotboy