Wednesday 23:15 p.m.
I took the photies of the trees on the way to the hut this afternoon. The one that looks like a fir tree is a plastic thing for sending out wave thingies to mobile phones. The kiddo and I decided to blow it up when it first appeared, but now I have a mobile phone for the photies, I am totally compromised.
In between the meditation sessions, I take a lot of spankings for being a bad, bad boy. When I'm in the meditation sessions, there is something developing which I cannot take credit for. I don't even know what it is that is happening. There is some kind of process going on. I mean, I have to do the sitting down and trying to focus the booze/drugs/jerked off mind, but it's like you're observing something which seems out of your control somehow. It is like grace. I am not saying that it is something I have done, or that I am responsible for. There are joes and josephines out there who are not getting this stuff and I don't know why.
Moi, in the Disbelieving Congregation, is certainly not going to affirm or deny anything. I don't know why martial artists don't get the bliss, and I don't know why all these folk who've done all the praying and grovelling and supplicating do not get the bliss. I just don't know.
Maybe St Augie said that some cats got zapped by God and some cats didn't. I wasn't anything to do with you. This is completely stupid and irrational.
I believe in karma, but only as a cause and effect thing in this life since it is observable somehow. Like, if you stop eating so much, you get skinny. I cannot believe in karma over lifetimes because I do not know about previous lifetimes. Believing in things would be great, but it is stupid.
Not believing in anything and not understanding anything is okay. We are surrounded by things (which we don't believe in!) which have labels and functions. All we need is to get the motivations right. Get your mind right and try to be happy. Don't do this miserable Original Sin crap and get into the bliss. A middle way. Find a middle way. Having erections is okay. Fantasies might be alright. Picking on folk and banging their brains out might not be okay for them. But motivation is everything surely.
Experience is proceeded by mind, is led by mind, is produced by mind.
So you have to get your mind right first of all. This is certainly not an easy thing to do. Get your mind right and you would certainly be much happier.
No jobbie till Monday. I have to see our friend with the MS Thursday and Saturday for the next two weeks. This is a privilege. I'm lucky to know her. Allah Akbar!
Next You'll be saying the first pic isn't really a severe tropical storm either. Are youtaking postmodernism a little far?
PS can you identify the plastic phone exploder so I can google it?
Albert? You've been away from Chilly Jockoland for too long. The first photie is what it always looks like at four o clock in November whilst sitting in the hut. The plastic tree is at the left hand side of the Grange Creekit Ground on the left hand side, at the end of Portgower Place. Can you blow it up from where you are? Can you disappear things like that on your computery thing. You can't even get ours to work most of the time because you can't get the computery geek basturns to admit who they are anymore. Hotboy
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