Sunday 2:43 p.m.
Every night, since facing down the Nicotine Dragon on Wednesday, I've been on the juice. Last night I was inveigled out by Poisonous and this was a big mistake. Crabbbit then and even worse this morning when I had to jog with the old, toothless one. Beautiful day for it though. So I never got in the first meditation of the day till twenty past one. Dearie me!
And it was so completely wonderful. I knew that's what I should have been attending to last night. New vistas seem to be opening again and again and again. I cannot imagine how gross life would be without this. You just sit down and it takes care of everything.
The other positive thing is the writing. I read thirty pages from page 100 yesterday, the part I'd been working on, and thought it was brilliant. That doesn;t happen all that often, but I was really blown away by it.
Been a gorgeous day today. I'm away to the hut!
The photie looks like the fish market here, where the floor's designed for frequent hosing down. I do hope you didn't have to spend long there.
Albert? It wasn't my choice of venue! I left as soon as I could! Hotboy
As soon as you could - good one!
Albert? Several of my so called friends no nothing about drinking or bars. They always pick toilets to drink in. Hotboy p.s. You know who you are!
Maybe your friends are just being practical, figuring the cleaners will find it easier to mop up after them.
Albert? They just don't go out enough and are scared of real bars since they are full of working class types! Wimps! Hotboy
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