Saturday 5:53 p.m.
Our friend with the MS gets back home after a fortnight's respite. I go to see her on Thursday and Saturday afternoon these days when she's in the hospital.And I go to see the auld maw and my Auntie Kathy on Friday afternoon. That's a lot of time spent on public transport and a lot of exposure to disability. But it's over for a while now and get almost all of tomorrow to myself. Hurrah!
Dearie dearie me! Is there anyone you know who's not dying?
PS - I know what you're going to say.
PPS - photie 2 would make a great album cover.
Albert? Dog fungs and blowjobs and lingerie is what I need right now. I can't handle all this flatheid down the toilet stuff. If I can't get into bigamy because of the obvious ugliness and obesity, can you recommend an expert for the prostate milking please? You're right! It's too much. Men of my age should spend their time in bars watching young women writhing around the beer mats. That would put some perpective onto it. Hope that would help, but it probably wouldn't. Hotboy
Love the tree pictures.
We are all dying in some way or another. So are just lucky enough to have time to come to grips with it.
Marie! I'm indifferent to photies, but I thought you might like them since all the trees will have blown down by now where you are! Hotboy
If you give it a try let me know.
Albert? I have just now given it a try and the results have been fantastic. When you give it a try, let me know. HOtboy
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