The buses have started running down Princes Street again now that they've got a tramline down. Hurrah! I took the photies of the skyline from beside the bus stop this morning just before eight.
I've just sent my new novel off to the secret agent as an email. I started off blogging on February 2005 as a way of keeping track of my attempt to find a literary agent for a book which I hadn't actually finished at the time. That was four years and ten months ago. After a year and ten months, and about 350 emails later, I did find an agent, a man of great taste and perspicacity, just as I finished the book.
He really tried hard, but couldn't sell it. Then he tried with a kidsbook and sent it to at least one publisher that I know of, Puffin. You can't connect with them at all unless you have an agent. No dice again. Then last September he started trying to sell the McCoy book.
I haven't heard from his office since March. They did try hard with that book though, trying to hustle it at the Franfort and London book fairs. But the last three emails I sent to his office, including two last week about the new book, have not been acknowledged.
Is someone trying to tell us something, Jack? Well, Hotboy, if they don't acknowledge the email which has the new book attached, I think you might be back to square one. This would be somewhat ironic because the new book is in a recognisable genre, has proper chapters and isn't about folk living in caves! I'm never going to love it the way I loved the McCoy book, but it is passable.
I could start another blog!! Trying to keep track of trying to find a literary agent!
And over the time since I started blogging my meditations has just got more and more wonderful. The too dumb to meditate are still too dumb to meditate, but that's not my fault, Jack. Certainly not!
9:55 p.m.
Got this email from the secret agent tonight.
Hotboy - it sounds fantastic.
I shall read this week - might be a great book to kick off the new year with
James Bond