Thursday 27 November 2008


Friday 1:21 a.m.
I would like to apologise to all the flatheids out there, and that's just about everyone. I'm sorry for all the rotten things I've said about yous. I really am.

But if you had started doing this meditation stuff when this bloggy started, about four years ago, you would probably be engaging with the bliss by this time. But you don't meditate and you have no access to the bliss. You are a flatheid. Oh well. Dearie me. I mean, you only get one shot at this. Come on.


Anonymous said...

An apology followed by such a statement rather loses its power, don't you think? *giggling*

Hotboy said...

Marie: Even I don't know when I'm being serious half the time. Hotboy

Anonymous said...

Don't start taking yourself serious, it will only make your headache.

I used to be serious, but now I'm happier working at not taking things too seriously.

I'm perfectly happy to be a grain of sand on the beach, invisible and unimportant.

Who knows maybe one of these days I'll get scooped up and made into something useful like cement or cat box filler?

Anonymous said...

I say!

Apology accepted. Running down the flatheids is rather like criticising the England cricket team when they don't win every game.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! Fantastic balance you bring to all this juju nonsense! Hotboy

rob said...

After 4 years of waiting, this is encouraging - the blog as confessional. Better out than in, as I've been trying to tell you.

Hotboy said...

Albert? There's no time left to wait in! Hotboy