Thursday 30 April 2009


Thursday 23:35 p.m.
I spoke to Shiva today. He was going on about being positive, about this buddhisty book that was saying something of the sort about positive activity. And one or two other things. So I decided it would be better to remember to be positive and stop being such a crabbit basturn, and get a grip.

So I decided I'd better start being positive and nurture my deep, dear friends instead of telling them to fung off. And take the jagged edge off things.

And the meditations this evening were wonderful. You remember that you can't recall sensations like these in all their fantastic glory. The words aren't the same as the experience. And then it seems like an apt justification for being alone, but as Shiva said there's something about friendliness leading to compassion leading to sympathic joy leading to equanimity. I'd like to turn Mr Hyde into a more positive emanation. Boom, Shiva!


Marie Rex said...

It is much more of a challenge to look at what is right in our lives. We are taught to watch for what is wrong from the time we are little.

People in our lives can be our greatest challenge or best gift. As long as we remember that they keep waking up every day as human beings too.

Hotboy said...

Marie! I'm not so sure that everyone who comes here wakens up every day as a human being! Hotboy

rob said...

Why change? You were positively crabbit already.

If you would consider publishing a key to the identities behind all the names, that would help. Or maybe they really are all just brian wilson.

rob said...

"I'm not so sure that everyone who comes here wakens up every day as a human being! " - That's more like it!

Hotboy said...

Albert? I'm sure you'd feel positive too if you didn't have so much the matter with you. Hotboy