Wednesday 15 April 2009


Wednesday 10:14 a.m.
I spent some time talking to Grizzly out the back of the auld maw's on Monday afternoon. My brother Grizzly is about ten or eleven years older than me. He was pointing out the one or two things going wrong with his body now that he is nearly seventy. When we talked about a good age to die at, I told him I fancied dying when I was about his age.

Grizzly has been a nature lover all his life. The birth, ageing, old age and death are things he's used to observing. So Grizzly says it's a big universe and he doesn't feel any more important in it than the daffodil that was growing nearby. He says he doesn't go to church and isn't going to go because he feels no need to.

My brother Grizzly has a spontaneously joyful view. He loves talking away and laughs and smiles all the time. Through meditating, I would hope to become like that someday.

There is no difference between Grizzly and moi when it comes to a false sense of self. My false sense of self is as good as his false sense of self. I know stuff about non-self and emptiness, but I haven't in any way got rid of my false sense of self. I am no further away from the suffering really if suffering is caused by desire based on ignorance of your own true self.

Of course, it's a shame that Grizzly has had no experience of the bliss. There's really no point in going on about bliss to someone like Grizzly because like most flatheids he's never going to meditate.

I've been very sociable for me over the last couple of weeks. All my family and deep dear friends seem to be well enough and happy enough. Most of them behave better than I do and are very nice people.

So it might be time for me personally to stop emphasising the suffering inherent in human existence and to stop worrying about the flatheids. Or, the other flatheids!

What do you think, Jack? They're still flatheids, Hotboy. So am I, Jack! You might not be quite so flatheided and you get the bliss. What a fortunate creature you are, Hotboy! What a fortunate creature you are!


Marie Rex said...

It sounds like your brother has a good grasp on life. Not meditating may not be as much of a worry as you think.

I think our own path is the one we need to work on. As I understand it, Buddhism doesn't hunt members the way others do. It expects ne to find my own way and work on my own head.

Bliss may not feel the same thing to someone else. Even if they meditate.

For me the bliss comes in understanding my connection to everything else. By walking and moving and being a very small unimportant part of the universe.

To step outside the things I learned to care about when I was young.

I don't know, I'll keep learning and studying until it makes sense to me. I don't expect it to happen any time soon.

Anonymous said...

I say!

Wilson has a friend who would like to apply for the job of your official tattie howker.

This arose because we removed some potatoes from the garden today, and I got chatting to him about life in the UK.


rob said...

"He loves talking away and laughs and smiles all the time" - presumably you mean without the help of drugs, otherwise you've surely surpassed your brother already.

Hotboy said...

Everyone! Twice my comments have just disappeared from here! I can't go on! I can't go on! Hotboy

rob said...

hotters - try again when sober, that often helps.