Thursday 2 April 2009


Thursday 11:40 a.m.
No beers since the dakini visited moi, but dancing the dance of death with the nicotine dragon once more.

Forgot all that I've said about the bliss, Jack! We have surely reached a point where we must begin again to try to describe that which is difficult to describe.

Closed my eyes in the lobby about an hour and a half ago and, though I'd been a bit grumpy and wasting my time with stupid thoughts and joints, as soon as I closed my eyes, it was right there. It's opens, or you sink towards blissful states, or the sheath inflates. Immediately, it's quite intense. Full metal jacket. We're not in Kansas anymore, Jack!

Just sitting there while it gets stronger, better. It's very easy to breathe. The point of this juju is to have the flow of air up both nostrils go evenly, and that must be what's going on. It feels far easier to take a deep breath and hold it in this state. Shoot the breath! Wheeee! You're certainly not in Kansas anymore. You're not even on the same planet. There's fantastic potential for all kinds of wonderful feelings in here.

You start mangling some kind of medicine buddha sadhana. You're having to intimate the visualisations because you're nowhere near being able to do them, but it seems important that the thoughts flowing evenly and without jumping about and losing focus. This is very nice. Then ever now and again, you do a vase breath and ..... this is going to be a fantastic day! The phone rings.

A man is going to come round and fix the window. Why don't I get a gun and just shoot the basturns? Then someone sails in the door totally unexpectedly. It's Piccadilly Circus before you know it! Basturns, basturns, basturns.


Marie Rex said...

Some days the world is just beating a path to your door.

Not being in Kansas is a good thing.

I found sunshine.

Hotboy said...

Marie: Sunshine! That would be good. It was pouring down here today. Hotboy

rob said...

Re the flatheids phoning and coming in the door. If you were serious, you would have considered changing the locks while they are out, and unplugging the phone.

Hotboy said...

Albert? I'm actually nothing if not pleaed to see people! Hotboy