Thursday 4 December 2008

The Writings Again!

Thursday 6:15 p.m.
Sitting here with my jacket and hat on, but it's not that cold really. Obviously still diseased, but it has been companionable since the Domestic Bliss also has the disease.

The book my secret agent in trying to flog at the moment, the one about the boy who wants to be the new Christ, started off as a cowboy book in 1977. I think it was the fourth novel I'd had a go at. The reason why I wanted to write a cowboy book was because I'd never written one before. You don't want to keep writing the same kind of book unless someone offers you money to do that, and even then, if you had some other way of getting money ...

I read The Moon In The Gutter by David Goodis about a fortnight ago. I really like David Goodis. I didn't like this one as much as I liked Shoot the Piano Player, which is a great read, but there is something charming about The Moon In The Gutter. He does the failed artistic type wonderfully!

Just now I'm finishing No Country For Old Men by Cormac McCarthy (?). He's given up on commas, so there's only full stops, and indentations for the dialogue, which is brilliantly written. The book is a succession of shooty shooty and you could only write such a book if you knew about guns and bullet wounds and such like, which I do not.

I've already written a book with folk shooting each other and blowing stuff up, and I don't really want to write a crime book because the sensei's crime book has still not found an agent, and that kind of puts you off. I'd like to write a page turner.

Are you going to have any chapters this time, Hotboy? This time I'm going to try my best to have chapters and paragraphs and commas and full stops. But I'd like to bury a dead body in the allotment, so there will have to be crimes in it.


Heather said...

You could write about shooting lasers or moon beams...since no one really knows how they are support to work "in reality"

And Harry writes very much like James Joyce or Falkner...except his teacher tells me his writing skills are poor.

So when can you break the grammar rules? When you already have a best seller behind you? That's hardly fair!

Hotboy said...

Heather! If you notice the punctuation, then it might be a problem. But you can mess around with anything surely. Just don't expect anyone to buy it off you for real money. Hotboy p.s. You could tell Harry to punctuate the way he breaths. For a little breath when he's reading it back, put in a comma. For a bigger breath, full stop. I've never read James Joyce or Faulkner. Can't say I'm proud of that.

Anonymous said...

My favorite of Goodis' books is The Burglar. A short, bleak masterpiece.

rob said...

I want to read The Road by the same guy. Do you know it?

By the way, you look a bit like Stephen King, that could help.

Hotboy said...

Doggy: I tried to buy that as well. Can't remember what happened, but I'll definitely read that.
Albert? Yon boy had a terrible Stephen King like accident. Nae bliss either. Also, he looks nothing like me. Hotboy