Saturday 27 December 2008


Saturday 27th December, 2008. 12:53 p.m.
Crabbit as hell, I'm not inclined to post, but I thought I should mark the wedding of the sensei and reverend, who is getting hitched today. So congratulations to the happy couple! I'm open to offers .... Hotboy is willing! Only the filthy rich need apply of course.

Hotboy, how would you like to spend Hogmanay at Flatheid Castle, where you will be able to drink and smoke fags, but not take any decent drugs; where you will be surrounded constantly by folk who don't get the bliss, the too dumb to meditate; and where you will not be able to escape from these unfortunate, learning difficulty, stupid basturns for days and days at a time? No thanks!

I was only out of the house for about seven hours on Christmas Day. It's like being a wee mouse in a glass bowl surrounded by horrible, slavering, cat monstrous basturns, and trying to become as invisible as possible. The only safe place is the hut. To the hut! To the hut!


rob said...

Is that Duneditin Flatheid Castle?

Re the paranoia - I find it helps if you blend in by just looking normal.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Is that you? Looking normal? Nice one. Which cross dressing establishment is this then? Hotboy

rob said...

Don't overdo it at first, you could start with an understated little moustache and dye your shirts brown.

Hotboy said...

Albert? I don't mind wearing an interesting hat! Hotboy