Wednesday 10 December 2008


Thursday 1:44 a.m.
I was very unstressed today as I left the jobbie. There was ice islands in Inverleith Park pond and the sun had gone down as I passed there about half three. The sky was kind of yellow around the horizon where the sun had just gone down.

Sometimes when life has been, or is being, so wonderfully good to you, you would like to express thanks. At such times, the Disbelieving Congregation relaxes its atheism and heads full blast towards the whole patriarchal bit.

Thank you, God! Thank you, God! I'm sorry about the stupid flatheids who do not meditate and will never get the bliss! But it is okay for me! Yes, it's okay for me, at least right at this moment! Oh, God! It's so okay for me I can't believe it!


Anonymous said...

I think it is important to give thanks for your life, even on rotten days.

We live in a beautiful place, have enough clean water that we can soak in a tub of it and not worry.

There are a lot of folks on this planet that don't have much of anything.

We have enough time and luxury that we can spend time learning bliss or even sit/walk and meditate.

We are very fortunate creatures indeed.

Hotboy said...

Marie: So we are! Fortunate creatures indeed! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

I imagine that you are relieved about this story: Hermit wins four-year battle against eviction from his hut.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! That boy doesn't meditate! Just look at him! Complete flatheid! What a waste! We should swop huts. His is like a blooming palace! Hotboy

rob said...

I reckon the hermit has all the hallmarks of blissheidism except perhaps posture.

rob said...

Plus he's in imminent danger of mental breakdown.