Saturday 4 October 2008


Saturday 9:00 p.m.
As I was cycling about in the wind and rain today in a frantic attempt to burn off some of the magic soup, it occurred to me that doing these vajrayana meditations is a bit like looking after a baby.

When you're looking after a wee baby, one day you will look at it and realise it's different. Overnight something has occurred to change the baby perhaps. Maybe another bit of its brain has fired up, or linked in. All you have to do for the baby is keep your eye on it and make sure it's happy. All you have to do with these meditations is sit there and the meditations will surely develop, depending on your lifestyle, concentration and application of course.

I don't know what part having a guru, or taking refuge and empowerments, play in this development, but the meditations I was having beforehand were nothing like so dynamic. I guess this is why they say the vajrayana is like a jet plane, the mahayana like a car, and the UnFortunateOnes, being too dumb to meditate, are like morons.

Most of what I want to do is meditations. I feel like going away and hiding for a bit. I feel more and more separated from the UFOs, which is not the kind of integration I was hoping for.

There are no sentient beings. What a realisation that would be!

Most of my sessions these days include taking the concentration breath by vase breath up and down, and up a notch the next time, and down again, etc. On reaching the brain chakra, the feelings are continuing to increase in wonderfulness, and increase again, so that it would be tempting to just do juju with the brain chakra. There's a helluva lot of bliss up there when I do this visualisation these days, but Gopi Krishna was meditating on that chakra when the kundalini took a wrong turn, and made him ill for thirteen years. Best to stick with the navel one, I should think. There's a bit of whooping it up going on with the throat chakra as well, by the way.

I might have to have a few beers tonight to burn off the magic soup. Now I understand that it was only by drinking beer that the miraculous qualities of the soup were held at bay. If it wasn't for the beer, I'd have been twenty stone by this time, Jack. Dream on, Hotboy. Dream on.


Anonymous said...

Interesting simile that a baby is like meditation.

A baby requires a lot of attention and mindfulness. Rarely relaxing.

Meditation, for me, requires concentration and sometimes motion. I seem to do best in my kayak or walking than sitting. To sit tends to let the noise in my head get to loud.

Hotboy said...

Marie: That's interesting. These meditations are exciting. Which is weird enough! Hotboy

rob said...

I have a problem concentrating on anything too airy fairy, but have you heard of vipaassana meditation? It sounds like it would do me. As I understand it, you focus on a specific part of the body. Seriously though, have you any experience with it? Meanwhile, I'm doing my favourite moving meditation, good old Tai Chi.

Hotboy said...

Albert? All this moving meditation is a lot of old baloney. You'll never get the bliss doing tai chi. I thought the vipassana was analytical. If it is, I have had some experience of it. Every day really. There's calming meditations, analytical ones and visualisations. Hope this helps, but if you're too dumb to meditate, it won't. Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

That stuff about a baby and meditations is getting rather schizophrenic in terms of identities.

Of much more interest - I held a brief session on our home-made pitch this morning, to see what the new staff member would make of things and Wilson looks as if, with some coaching, he may be able to develop a late inswinger.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! There nay bliss in inswinging! Or outswinging. There might be a glimpse of bliss in swinging, but not from a rope! Hotboy

rob said...

Maybe I've got the wrong word, but it was something beginning with v. Perhaps there's a bliss pill for it. There goes my future in meditation, it was good while it lasted.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Vipassana meditations are analytical, I think. If you try emanating as a deity, you have method and wisdom in the one practise, which is why it's supposed to be so effective. Hope this helps. Hotboy p.s. Tai chi is wonderful in itself. I'd like to learn a short form. A 108 step one is all I do.