Sunday 15 March 2009

Analytical Meditations!

Sunday 12:32 p.m.
I don't know anything about anything, so I can't make assertions about anything. In the Disbelieving Congregation, of which I am the sole member and single representative ...
We embrace our ignorance
We don't believe in any things
Especially thoughts

It's about five years since I walked off the jobbie and almost five years since I went part time. Since then I have spent about a fifth of each day in meditations, so that would amount to about a year out of the five years. Sometimes I have been surfing the oceans of bliss and sometimes it's been hard work. But it is enough to know that this is what I should be doing with my time.

As we have wandered through Samsara, has the amount of tears we have shed not been greater than all the water in all the oceans as we have suffered the loss of a wife, or a husband, or a father, mother, daughter or son?

After a great many trials and tribulations, Naropa finally became enlightened when Tilopa hit him on the top of the head with a sandal. I assume with this blow Tilopa sent such a stream of kundalini through Naropa's body that he was rendered immobilised and lost in the thoughtless, wordless voids of ecstasy. I have no idea where Naropa's head was when he got up from this.

Some say you can become enlightened instantly and some say it can happen in small increments. I've had some little and a couple of big realisations of emptiness, but it's always come back to moi. Lama Yeshe, my root guru, says he is not enlightened and once said the he doesn't know what it means. But analytical meditations are supposed to help with the loss of the false sense of self.

The Skandas. Body, senses, perceptions, mental formations including volitional impulses, consciousnesses ..... they are not mine. I do not own them. They are not my self.

It's okay saying that, but it would take a lifetime, Jack. That's the small vehicle, I believe.

The emptiness of the external object. Imagine a stagecoach. Start taking it apart, removing the wheels, etc. When does it stop being a stagecoach? Can you find in any part the essential stagecoach? It's name and function are all we can say for sure.

We don't even know what it's made of, Jack. Subatomic particles, seemingly without any weight, exhibiting particle/wave duality. It is there in a way, but who knows how?

The mind. They say there's no use searching for it because even the buddhas couldn't find it.

Consciousness, unlike matter, is not made up of atoms and such, but of moments. It has arisen from different causes and conditions and, therefore, is supposed, according to the Dalai Lama, to be a different kind of thing. It has no beginning, for instance.

The mind is supposed to be without centre or circumference; to be like space except with some kind of awareness; and to be unconfined. I think this means it allows anything to exist in it.

I saw wholeness in flow once, but I do not think you could function adequately within such a realisation. To be able to go there when you felt so inclined though must be bloody wonderful. Especially as you were dying.

Interestingly enough, the Big Bang is supposed to have arisen from a whatever without a centre or circumference, a state without time or space. This sounds like the causal self, or the subtle sublte self, or the Dharmakaya. Is this the clear light mind?

There is no such thing as a vacuum. You can't make nothingness. In a vacuum particles of matter and anti-matter spontaneously arise and are extinquished.

Nothing exists outside your own mind. How can nothing exist outside your own mind?

If I could give you the kind of meditations I've had today, Jack, I would, but I can't, so I'll just go back to the lobby.


Anonymous said...

I say!

I skipped the post (it was rather long) and came here for the comments and responses, which are normally much more entertaining, but there aren't any so far.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! Celtic have just put the Huns to the sword in a cup final! Now, that's a proper game, not one played by fatties and imperialist swine like the creekit! Go home ya Huns, as they say! (except soon they'll say it in Scots Gaelic!) Hotboy

rob said...

I was with you all the way, up until the Alopecia and the head banging. Dearie me! Get a job. I got one and look at me!

Hotboy said...

Albert? I'm surprised you actually read it. Mingin' wouldn't have got past the first sentence. You obviously don't have enough of a jobbie to occupy your time. Hotboy