Friday 1 August 2008


Friday 9:43 p.m.
Alsion Main's Writings are getting hit about three or four times a day at the moment. The books are listed in three or four ebook directories, which folk in the far east seemed to be using ... why? Anyway, that's nice. A Canadian soldier once took some of these books up to a place near the Arctic circle when he was posted there for a bit. The internet's great. Never last of course.

I could tell how much progress the juju has been making (bugger all to do with me, man!) when I was sitting in the auld maw's bedroom listening to a CD about the bardo. Blinded by the bliss! Realised how far I had to go when I felt crabbit on the train going there. (I'd made the mistake of checking my bank balance. Ha, ha, ha!) Since Saturday last I have failed to give everything up again, but I will start again tomorrow. Whilst failing to give everything up, I've been having a wonderful holiday!

Anyway, the auld maw is not the slightest put out by this CD about being dead. The boy was saying all this about being in tunnels of light, or with light at the end of them, was more or less the way it went. Out of the tunnel (or channel) you seem to have fairly limitless mental capacities, for a bit anyway according to this stuff. If you snuff it with your head still up your backside, well, the boy was trying to play down how scary it might be. You don't want to start thinking the wrong things in this condition. Imagine the worst possible acid trip and it sounds like it could get a bit worse than that.

It'll be okay for us, won't it, Hotboy? Jack, the boy said trying to get a grip of the situation with our state of realisation would be like getting chucked out a jumbo jet with a pencil and a bit of paper, and expecting to be able to write a four line poem before you hit the ground. No parachutes in the bardo of course.

What's your poem going to be, Jack?



Anonymous said...

I say!

"A Canadian soldier once took some of these books up to a place near the Arctic circle."

By isolating the texts in question in an inhospitable place, was he trying to ensure that there was less chance that the books could corrupt the youth of today?


Hotboy said...

Mingin! The boy was maybe deluded by my fame! Hotboy

rob said...

Coincidentally I have one of Bardo's DVDs, it certainly helps with the waving routines, doesn't it?

BTW thanks for switching on the word verification, it helps one learn patience. I'll get the hang of this nuddhism yet.

Hotboy said...

Albert? The word verification switched on itself. The titles will only print ????. Shambles as usual with the nerds running the world! Hotboy

ion said...

Auld Maw is ready and prepared with her parachute, from at least two traditions.

"efajejg" is my word verification, alluding to the ineffable and jigs, I assume. This is the curse of the human condition- seeking meaning in every bloody random thing.

Hotboy said...

Ion: This word verification thing is well beyond me. I think it must be the alien creatures. We don't get on anymore! Hotboy