Wednesday 6 August 2008

This title thing has been sorted!

Wednesday 1:40p.m.
This is a perfect day! The weather is miserable, overcast and wet. Yesterday the weather was okay, so I went to the diggings and ended up dozing off in the bath, exhausted and mortified as usual by the resistance of the earth.

I got an email response from Allan Guthrie this morning. I emailed him because I told him I was going to read three of his books after I met him about May, but the library has had a problem with refurbishments, etc. Seems he's having a bit of a wrestle with his latest work. Allan will become rich and all. He will have deadlines and such like. One day he may catch a disease, like writer's block.

I haven't written a word since the start of this six week holiday. Hurrah! The Revenge of the Traffic Wardens can wait. Being useless at this writing malarkey, I don't have any deadlines, or commissions to complete, or anything much to get in the way of the meditations. Hurrah!

The lobby is empty and the nicotine withdrawals have withdrawn. It's a perfect afternoon for the juju.

Tomorrow, UFOs will be arriving in preparation for a wedding on Friday. I will be at the Samye Ling for the gong bashing festival come Monday. So today's the day.

And the meditations this morning were fabulous, better than ever. I may well blow the top of my head off this afternoon. What a fortunate creature I am, I am! What a fortunate creature I am!!


onan the bavarian said...

I say! I do hope you don't have to attend the wedding yourself. Such depressing occasions.

Hang on! Is it your wedding? Congratulations, I7m刷れ異tウィll邊亜美gすっせss。


Hotboy said...

Onan? I love weddings! Just a pity I'm now too fat to wear my suit! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

Will you wear your hat that Brian Wilson gave you to the wedding? You looked very fetching in it.