Thursday 11 February 2010


Thursday 10:42 a.m.
Was getting profoundly into disbelief there. I think you have to disbelieve in the things you think you know, or have found out. Like, all the stuff about the bliss, for instance. It's better for flatheids not to believe in the bliss anyway since it gives them some justification for behaving like morons.

But, Hotboy, you have to believe in some things? What, Jack? Well, ones and zeros. They exist as number things. They seem pretty fixed and unchanging. This is true, Jack, but even ones and zeros mean different things at different times, and might even look different depending on the font you're using. I think ones and zeros might be described as ideas, and ideas are definitely not fixed and unchanging. We have ideas about ideas surely. Hmmm?

The following definitely can't be true, surely. So this boy told me that emails when you send them split up into different wee bits and these wee bits flash across the system at the speed of light and then gather up again somehow and become the email you're looking at. Can someone tell me that this is what's supposed to be happening?

If such things as this are going on, and the air is full of teevee and radio stations, disbelieving in rebirth doesn't make much sense. Of course, believing in rebirth doesn't make any sense either.

If you don't believe in rebirth and I'm getting the bliss and you're not, well, that doesn't say a lot for you, does it?

The bliss is going off the scale again! Unfortunately, there's nothing but UnfortunateOnes from here till Monday. But much inspired by watching a video of the Buddha boy, I caught the name of his guru. Chi Ni Nyi Chen Guru. This boy is not googleable.


Anonymous said...

I say!

After a couple of MGTs, that guru's name is impossible to say. It's difficult enough after one. This doesn't help much, I'm afraid. At least with the Bogd Khan, it doesn't matter how much you've drunk.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! You should give up the drink like moi! Then you will be able to properly use your lips, teeth and gums to enunciate the name of yon boy. Being called Bogd ... what kind of parents ... called Boggy at school, I'll warrant! Hotboy

albert said...

The wee morsels of emails are known as packets.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Do they go at the speed of light? What are they made of, these packets? Hotboy

rob said...

I don't know where to begin explaining that. Were you asking a rhetorical koan?