Friday 8 January 2010

Friday Night!

Friday 9:55 p.m.
The Scottish government stopped off-licenses selling booze after 10 p.m. recently. Brilliant law!! I've had nothing to drink since Monday and nothing to smoke since a couple of wee roll ups with the McDucks on Sunday.

Both the Dom Bliss and I are now whacked with colds. Give up everything and get a disease. Brilliant! The meditations made more progress today though. That's all that matters!

12:34 a.m.
Bliss dairy: Been watching a DVD called Hairspray with my eyes closed, but without the noise blockers. How sociable! Great effects from the vase breathing.

I asked a question once in the temple after a chat from the lama, probably the first time I saw him giving a talk in the temple. Unaccustomed as I am to public speaking ... I asked him if meditating before you went to bed might stop you from sleeping. In those days, meditating used to really give me a lot of energy and I've sometimes had a slight problem with the sleepybys anyway. He didn't look happy with this question. He said: When we were in Tibet, we were told that sleep is useless.

I've just had two desert spoonfuls of Benylin and I'm going to bed now ... sober, straight, and diseased!


rob said...

Re the bottle shop bans. If your phone shoots video, film the closing-time rush. Drunk folk falling down in the snow is always funny (present company excepted), especially with bottles dropped onto ice.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Have you pulled the wings off any flies recently? Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

Jockoland seems to be full of disease. Surely, with all the technology available in the West, something could be done about it. It's probably a plot.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! Keeping away from people might be the way to go! Hotboy