Monday 18 January 2010

The Buddha Boy!

Monday 9:20 p.m.
Perchance I came upon some brilliant stuff on youtube. If you're actually interested in this juju, you should go to youtube and search under "Buddha Boy Discovery Channel". There are five parts. The commentary is appallingly flatheided! But if you can look passed that .... Part 2 made me sit up and pay attention because the buddha boy's guru showed up. He's one of us! So the buddha boy is one of us! The guru was a Sakya abbot who looked very like Lama Thebten Yeshe.

Part Four was great! They showed this Indian eighty year old who hadn't eaten since he was twelve, or drank anything. What a guy! If you ever wondered how Jesus Christ managed to spend forty days and nights fasting in the desert, you should see this boy. Funnily enough, he stopped eating when he was twelve and the last stuff about Christ in the bible ... when he was twelve. Then he shows up again at about thirty years old.

I found all this very inspirational.

Is hope a disease? Faith, hope and charity, and the greatest of these is charity. We'll translate that as compassion. I'm not doing faith and I'd really like to give up hope. Hope must be about the future. The really good stuff seems to happen to me when I give up hoping. Anyway ... in the best of possible worlds.

I see this young person on Thursday. Although he has no money for moi, this sets in train and is the start of a series of events that means that I can get some money from other sources and give up the jobbie.

So the Buddha and the BBW gets published and then RaBLissBook gets published. This is necessary because in the first one, if I remember right, there's stuff about the basic buddhism, the hinayana. RaBlissBook has stuff about the vajrayana, the juju of jujus. With the money from this, I get to go to visit the caves where Milarepa meditated. I should be much better at meditating by then and I think I will have to do that on my own.

Why is that, Hotboy? I promised myself after the trip which resulted in the BBBW, Jack, that I would not go on a buddhist pilgrimage again with the too dumb to meditate. All my deep, dear friends are too dumb to meditate. The Domestic Bliss otherwise would be perfect, but being too dumb to meditate... anyway, they can't sit still, Jack. They enjoy anxiety. Folk who don't meditate are jumpy basturns!

If Brian Wilson could get his meditations up from two minutes a day to about three hours, I could go with him. If he didn't ... you should have someone with you on these trips because you are liable to get sick. If I went with Brian Wilson to the Himalayas, he would die on the journey and that's not going to make a very interesting book! You see, you write another book ... the third part of the series, or the fourth part if you count in the dirty book, which stylistically is a cousin. You're going to get this one published because of the money you've made some capitalists with the first couple of buddhisty books, so you sit down and write it in longhand seventeen times and make sure it's at least half decent. Then you stop writing and meditate until you die. Hurrah!

I hate having arrangements, appointments, engagements. This is partly why I hate Christmas and the New Year, birthdays and anniversaries. I would not have had this meeting with the joe from Glasgow unless someone else had arranged it. I do not want this meeting. I don't want to have a secret agent. I don't want the hope. What I want is a web page where such as Buddha and the BBW and the other stuff about the juju is available for free ... I'll get back to doing that. The meeting on Thursday will lead to nothing. Why have I ended up speaking to someone about getting a book published who has no money? I haven't got any money. I could have published the book myself. The secret agent has not got back to me about the crime book. When the meeting with the young joe from Glasgow leads to nothing, I will ask the secret agent what's happening with the crime book. When I get no reply, I will contact Ursula Mackenzie who is the commanding officer of Little Brown and see if I can persuade her to get an editor to look at the crime book. When she tells me to fung off, that's it. No more hope. No more stupid dreams of freedom. I'll get into the jobbie and do ra bliss.

I really have to tell yous ... there's nothing like ra bliss. Except for the heat and ra bliss. Oh, ra bliss, ra bliss, ra bliss!


rob said...

I do hope you're not angling for a proof-reader for the dirty book.

rob said...

PS What's dirty about it anyway? Unless it's an allotment guide.

Hotboy said...

Albert? What? The dirty book got published already. Stick to Principica Mathematica. Hotboy

Marie Rex said...

Hope is the worst thing in our lives. It leads us away from what matters into dreams and wishes that often don't.

When I was a teen, I used to keep a sign on the wall that said "Since I've given up hope, I feel much better."

My mom didn't understand it and made me take it down.

Living in this moment of mindfulness means giving up the idea of hope. Hope is a trick and a cheat. It is the illusion that steals away your present moment.

Hotboy said...

Marie! Couldn't agree more. Still can't stop hoping though!! Hotboy

angel said...

When The popular comment layout is common, so it is easily recognized scanning to post a comment. If the comment section is in a different format, then I am going to spend more time trying to decipher what everything means.

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Hotboy said...

Angel? We don't often get angels here! Hotboy