Tuesday 9 June 2009


During lunchtime at the jobbie, I go and hide in the room they use for mass and meditate. I have to take a clock. So I checked my heartbeat. Sometimes I check my heartbeat when I waiting for the train in Bellshill station. If I've been sitting there for a couple of minutes, it usually runs at 60 beats a minute. I checked it at the lunchtime place today and it was running at 50 beats a minute. That's got to be a sign of reduced metabolic rate.

That's why I'm a fat basturn, Jack! So it's not the beer and the bread and the magic soup then, Hotboy? No! Meditation makes you a fat basturn! It's official.Don't go near it! Stay miserable and be skinny!

Just checked my calorie intake and whatnot. If I stop putting cheese on my breid, I should die of starvation. Even with the alcohol consumption.

The boy left school three years ago and came back to say hullo. He said they send you to Iraq or Afghanistan if they need you no matter how little training you've had. He said he didn't know how to fire the gun they gave him. Learned fast. On the second day there, he got stabbed in the back and shot someone in the head. Post traumatic stress disordered.

Thank God the warmongering basturns are all going to hell, Jack! Hell's too good for them!


rob said...

Albert's resting rate is 5 to 60, possibly from his bliss program, yet he's not a fat basturn.

But he doesn't eat cheese. Cow's milk, and human milk for that matter, is naturally full of growth hormones to make the young sucklings bulk up. And that's before they've added any industrial hormones. Put tofu on your bread, watch the pounds drop off, and die of boredom instead of fat basturnism.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Good advice! What I need is something else to put on the bread. I been wanting to give up coo's milk for some time. Maybe now is a good day to start. Hotboy p.s. Is there anything wrong with butter?

albert said...

Probably, but I reckon margarine's even worse for you. The greeks, and some yuppie types, pour olive oil on their bread. Tastes terrific. I hope that helps.

And what about peanut butter and miso as a cheese replacement?

Hotboy said...

Albert? I'll chew on the peanut butter idea. Hotboy