Friday 15 May 2009

This Modern World!

Midnight on Friday/ Saturday!
This is a broadband message brought to yous after a solid day of praying to Saint Jack the Spam Robot! It's amazingly fast.

I was exhausted this evening. It's better and much easier to be a moron and a flatheid, and be diligent about your jobbie. Go forth and just go forth! Even doing ra bliss is a piece of cake. A whole four days of sobriety and nae drugs, and meditating, and meditating, and meditating ... you get these points where you get fed up, and think between the massive amounts of bliss, increasing and increasing, that you would rather be born to be comfortable like the evil bourgeois, and this alternative would have been so easy. Oh, the jobbie! Oh, the jobbie! Oh, the jobbiesRUs!

But no! After the bliss reached an extent where it had never been before ... and the exhaustion ... I think it was caused by concentrating continually ... I went out and bought four beers ... even although I did not have any real money.

I cranked it up this week, I certainly did. And I am maintaining my positivity! I will go to the Wild West tomorrow and, hopefully, some young women will totter up to moi in high heels half falling out of their dresses, but in any case there will be pills and bob hope and bevvy and my deepest, dearest friends, and what a fortunate creature I am, I am! What a fortunate creature I am!


Marie Rex said...

Glad you prayers to the wireless St Jack were answered.

The weather has been rainy the last day. I'm hoping for progress on the greenhouse today.

Hotboy said...

Marie! The weather is poor here. Soon you'll be able to view the storms from inside your greenhouse. That would be great with the thunder and lightning and all! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

Don't overcrank.


onan the bavarian said...

I'm not clear what's the difference between a moron and a flatheid. Has anyone ever managed to be both?

Hotboy said...

Albert? Flatheids who don't meditate are probably morons! Hotboy