Sunday 17 May 2009

Generosity 2.

Sunday 8:30 p.m.

The shop is where I bought the morning paper. Baddies in a dumper truck rammed it in an attempt to get at the treasure. They previously rammed into the garage, but to no avail. Later on, they smashed into another retail outlet. Gained no booty. Never captured. Must have been quite a night.

No dust, no powders, no pills. Hurrah! Nice bottled beer on the house and weighing in at a modest 4.2%. Back on the grass. It wasn't like going round to Sawney Bean's place after all. Positivity! Everything is great as long as you give it the old positivity! I couldn't understand what anyone was saying for about two hours, but remained conscious throughout.

I'm in a position to practise the old generosity again, but I'm not sure how to go about it. After the last time, I don't think phoning up folk and offering them free drugs is the way to go about it somehow.

Folk will just think you've flipped, Hotboy. I haven't flipped, who has, Jack?

I think maybe you should be cultivating generosity and trying to exude it a little. Not actually being generous, but feeling generous. This is bound to be cheaper and less embarassing.

I'd showered and was meditating by 8:30 this morning. No hangover. Quite bright considering. The mirrors in Ayshire make you look more handsome by far. Instead of appearing as a fat basturn, one is merely well proportioned. Like a reflection of the moon on water ... wonderful supporting conditions.


Anonymous said...

Awwrite, that you got broadband? aye. Magik int it?

No bad.

Hotboy said...

Anon! Great video! I've sometimes watched the first round at work to gee myself up! Thanks. Hotboy

Lee Ann said...

Hope all is well with you.
Have a wonderful week!
Lee Ann

onan the bavarian said...

Are you sure the photies aren't from your last holiday in Kazakhstan?

If you managed to copy and paste the link to the Larry Hagler video, you might enjoy my own oevre:

Hotboy said...

Lee Ann! Always nice to see you've dropped by! Hotboy
Albert? I don't want links to anything dodgy, so are you sure? Hotboy

albert said...

It's a soccer video and a dancing lesson as far as I remember, but I'm the last person to encourage people to step outside their comfort zone.