The photies show the path down the middle of the allotment, which I cut with the shears yesterday; really the first haircut this year.Once again I told myself it couldn't be tiring just cutting the grass and after five minutes my teeshirt was soaking, my head was soaking, and sweat running over the front of my glasses was making it difficult to see out of them. Dearie me.
You can see quite clearly in the first photograph that the soil is disappearing since there is now a banking where once, twelve years ago, it was even. If anyone could offer a explanation as to where the ground is disappearing to, I'd be most interested.
Does this mean that eventually your allotment would disappear? It would end up with very long bankings and just a little tablecloth space left for the onions and tatties. This gardening business is most puzzling. Sometimes you wonder what you are actually trying to do.
On the teevee show there is the tractor ploughing a new field. It has millions of seagulls following it to eat up the bugs in the ground. Twenty years later the tractor has no seagulls following it because turning over that much soil every year kills all the bugs, worms, etc. which normally live there. I dig my allotment twice a year because I don't know diddly squat about gardening and now all the worms, etc., are few and far between.
Also, when I plant my onions, they become surrounded by weeds and this is not supposed to happen. If you weeded properly, you are supposed to be able to get rid of the weeds in seven years. The seeds should all have sprouted.
So as far as I can see, this type of gardening is all about killing the earth. This cannot be a good thing. Is the disappearance of the earth telling me something? If so, none to clearly.
Trashed myself after the grass cutting by running up the five hills before the European Cup Final last night. I slept till twelve today which is most unusual and wakened up with the Domestic Bliss's head cold. Checked out the cold cures in Waitrose supermarket. The bottle of vino collapso was cheaper! I'll drink it tonight for purely medicinal purposes of course.
I say!
Perhaps aliens are pinching your soil. It's a possibility, anyway. In a few years, there will be such a hole in the ground, you'll be able to climb through to Australia.
Mingin'! I thought it might be the old allotment people, but they're far too civilised. Hotboy
I'd like to think it's not the ground that's sinking, it's the other bit that's rising. You can tell me - is that where you buried my rellies?
Albert? I'm afraid I'm selling your rellies to a pig farm. It'll help to put me off bacon! Hotboy
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