Friday 11 a.m.
Enlightenment in this very body is all that matters. Shakymuni.
I read once that the biographies of the mahasiddhas were all the same. At some point the deity appeared. This does not seem to me to be as ridiculous as it once did.
Tipola claimed that he got the teachings for the Six Yogas of Naropa from a deity. Dorje Chang, this deity, is at the head of the lineage prayer. Dorje Chang, Tilopa, Naropa, Marpa, Milarepa, Gampopa ... and all the way down to this day.
Deity Yoga is supposed eventually to be a three dimensional visualisation.
St Teresa of Avila spoke to Christ in his glorified body. She started with the hands, and eventually he spoke to her. He might have said: I love you and I will do anything you ask of me because I know you love me too, babes.
Alexandra David-Neel says she managed to create a monk in her meditations. Not only that, but other folk could see it and, not only that, but it started having some kind of independent existence and became a sly, sneaky basturn. It took her months of further meditations to dissolve this entity.
It's reality, Jim, but not as we know it.
How close are you to achieving any of this juju, Hotboy? Well, Jack, I am not even in the same ball park as these joes and josephines! I don't think you can get much progress in deity yoga unless you are in closed retreats, but that does not mean I'm going to stop trying. The great thing about practising deity yoga is that it combines method and wisdom in the one practise.
I haven't had a drink or any drugs since the weekend. No bother and hurrah! I'm getting oddles and oodles of bliss and the heat was starting to work this morning. (My auld maw is getting her kitchen done so I can't go there today.)
My problems are still when I'm not meditating. I don't seem to be having a fantastic carry through there sometimes. Like, on Wednesday I tried to cut the grass with shears which had been unused since last summer and they wouldn't cut. My heart sank. Such disappointment. Such a stupid, afflictive emotion. There was no choice about it. The emotion arose. I know if someone started to intimidate or threaten me that if might feel great fear at first, but the red mist would soon ascend. My responses to experience are still complete ... well, I won't use that word since I'm trying to purify my speech of course.
Speaking of which, we are not supposed to have this dial up anymore and we are going to try and fix the wireless broadband tonight, so ... It's time I started getting religious and began to pray to St Jack the Spam Robot, the patron saint of wireless connectivity for the Disbelieving Congregation.
What's the problem with the broadband?
What's the problem with the broadband?
In the pre-pill days, whenever I got the overwhelming despondency, it was usually a straw/camel/back scenario, a bursting of the dam after a prolonged self-suppression.
Albert? The problem with the broadband is that it doesn't work. The problem with the broadband is that it doesn't work. Hotboy p.s. Being a blissheid when you're meditating and a flatheid when you're not is a wee bit frustrating that's all.
I say!
I think they have a Church of the Disbelieving Congregation down past Domasi. Either that, or it's the Methodists. Still, not as bad as the Baptists.
I think they have a Church of the Disbelieving Congregation down past Domasi. Either that, or it's the Methodists. Still, not as bad as the Baptists.
Is there an echo in here, or is it just the acoustics?
Mingers. I say I say, did we ever find out who recorded umm umm umm at you place?
Hotters, I think doc bob may be able to help
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