When I got to the hut yesterday evening, that was the first time I'd been back there for over a week. So much changes in a week at this time of year.
1) the onions are covered already with weeds. I do not know where the weeds come from. I don not plant them, but they arise in such amazing fecundity. You are supposed to pull them out. I regard this as a bit of a last resort.
2) the tatties have started sprouting throughout.
3) the Dom Bliss has planted the brassica and set up a wee covering thing for them. She says we have another wasp nest. She would say that.
4) The path down the middle of the allotment has grass going mad. The last time I was visiting, I cut the grass with shears down both sides and over the top, and was exhausted by this. Let's hope for a bone dry summer with grass yellowing and blowing away by itself.
5) I do not know if any wee birds are in the wee bird box. It's sometimes difficult to tell.
6) The wrens have for the third year not laid eggs in the nest inside the hut.
7) I took one of the photies of a wee bush outside the hut. I do not know what it is called.
8) The left over potatoes from the uneaten ones in last year's clamp are bursting forth and are my favourites for prizes this year ... because nobody did anything to them!
9) The gooseberries are already swelling and it doesn't rain blossoms anymore.
10) Saw hundreds of bumble bees yesterday which is good since we're all going to die from lack of bumble bees.
Some magpies were making a huge racket in a tree by the wall in the creekit ground. I stopped to look and saw a magpie's final moments (the claw relaxed and opened as it died)as other magpies killed it. It was squeezed into being on it's back against some supporting branches with its claws facing out, probably for protection. I looked up just as it died. That's another one died and no bliss either!
Cutting the grass with shears is exhausting. Use a scythe like father time. Or like my old man, pour petrol on it and throw on a match.
The magpie story was sad, but not as bad as the 600,000 pigs in Egypt. Dearie me.
Albert? I only use what's at hand. Buying something for the allotment would be a first! Hotboy
I say!
What a lot of nature in that post. Birth, life, death - just about everything.
Bursting out and imploding in, in one post. Fantastic! Beuatiful blooming allotment bliss.
Sorry about the magpie. Normally they kill others, not their own but..
Her Catness fooled me recently into interacting with her most recent mouse kill. I didn't like it once I realised what it was, but played along because it made her happy. I don't think the mouse was happy. I don't think the mouse was thinking or feeling anything whatsoever.
Maybe it was in heaven! Who knows?
Mingin'! Red in tooth and claw! Hotboy
Ion: I'll be spending a lot of time at the allotment over the next few days and will post about it. Hotboy
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