Sunday 10:00 p.m.
I cannot remember all that much after the first couple of pints of Guinness, but I woke up today at six in the a.m. and felt very good indeed, considering. Count the attenuations. Ten fingers and ten toes present. Well done!
I felt yesterday that I had turned a corner.
Is this an important announcement, Hotboy? No, Jack, but it is an announcement.
Normally, when I was walking towards an open grave, I have my doubts and reservations and caveats and wish I wasn't doing this bad thing. With positivity you don't get that.
What is this existence? If you were a Tibetan buddhist, you might say it was a ceaseless round of births and rebirths ... grief, sorrow, lamentations ... delusions, disappointments and despair ... suffering in this life.
Well, from this existence I have got the bliss. Sometimes when I just close my eyes, I fall into such depths of peaceful warm bliss ... like I was doing today. So, this life is not about grief, sorrow and lamentations ... it's about the bliss. This existence gives rise to the bliss. It seems sometimes perfectly obvious that the whole of this existence is based on bliss.
So when I open my eyes and go to the pub like I did yesterday, this is the way I got the bliss. This is the kind of joe I am. I am the kind of joe who loves losing it in bars; forgetting where I was the next day; and wondering whether or not ...
Also, smoking and smoking and smoking and eating dope till it was coming out of my ears ... and all of that kind of thing. Like being a sponsor and cheerleaders for the Australian Ladies Volleyball Squad. All these things.
And what happened after all these things, Hotboy? After all these things, I was able to access the bliss. Profound bliss. Silent and peaceful and profound.
And I owe it all to the flatheids, the too dumb to meditate, the unfortunate ones, the supporting deities.
And when the wee fat baldy guy says that the purpose of buddhism is to create happy people with a positive outloook, then that means being happy and positive about everything. It means being happy and positive about getting pissed yesterday in the pub. It means being happy that the giving away of the skunk meant that even more skunk alighted on moi; it means being happy with the dance of death with the Nicotine Dragon and it means welcoming the nicotine withdrawals!
This has to be towards the endgame. This has to be what it is like to be secure in the bliss. This is the bliss! This is the bliss! This is the bliss!
23:41 p.m.
Are you going to hell with the nicotine withdrawals, Hotboy? Maybe I should be going to hell with the nicotine withdrawals, Jack, but did not the nicotine withdrawals result in moi? Did they not contribute and help condition the thoughts which resulted in the bliss? How can you say the nicotine withdrawals were disagreeable and hateful when they resulted or helped result in the bliss? How and you say that? How can the nicotine withdrawals not be anything other than wonderful? Have they not been so forever so moi?
And what about when you die, Hotboy, and fall into hell? Well, Jack, have we not been in hell before, you and I? Have we not cried and cried, and filled more oceans with tears through being unable to arise between what was agreeable and the disagreeable? And all that jazz?
So thank you, everyone! Thank you, to the dakinis, the yins, with whom I went out drinking yesterday. What a wonderful pause in the bliss! Thank yous! Thank yous! Thank yous! Without this, we do not get that! Thank yous! Thank yous! Thank yous!