Friday 2 January 2009

Samsara, My part in its downfall!

Friday or something, 11:27 p.m.
I have the usual week. Here it is.

On Sunday nights I usually drink some beer because, boy, do I not want to go to fung work the next day, the Monday.

On Monday nights at half ten, the footie comes on the teevee; the footie from Saturday, which you can only see on terrestrial telly because of the basturns and currants who have cut up the world like this. You best be sober and straight when you go to bed at half ten so you can do the next day with brio.

Monday night and you should go to the unhumpable at the Theosophical Society to meditate because this josephine has done the three year retreat and you have to respect that. (BTW flatheids don't know how to have respect for that because they're flatheids).

On Tuesday, one tries to do the tai chi class with the old and infirm. Please don't take up physical jerks when you realise that it's the last round-up you're in. Just don't be such a sweetie eating moron to wait till you're dying before you get off your arse.

On Wednesday, having meditated at least three quarters of the time at your jobbie, go home. Fung them! Go and sit in the hut for a few hours and get those stupid basturns out of your hair. Probably get pissed on Wednesday due to the pressure.

On Thursday, on the wonderful Thursday, I get all the time to myself apart from an hour or so when I've got to wait for the Dom Bliss to go out to the singing and dancing. Thursday is mine! All mine, all mine! My beautiful Thursday.

On Friday, I go to Bellshill. This is for other people. Sometimes it's tricky. I used to have a hard time, but it's not so bad now. In fact, since we started listening to the tapes, it's been a great day, apart from the lack of stretching. Usually, I get drunk on Fridays due to the sense of relief.

I love Saturday. It's mine again. If I've been quite good on Wedneday and tried hard from then, Saturday is affirmation and accumulation.

If I can avoid associating with the too dumb to meditate on Saturday, Sunday is a wonderful day! When I worked full time, I realised that if I could meditate up in the hut for four hours on Sunday, then Monday would just fly past instead of being the grossness of the usual.

It's the 42 bus or the 29 bus on Monday morning. You get onto the bus and pick up the free newspaper and put it in your bag along with the Times, sit down, close your eyes and check out the bliss.

Obviously, take the bliss out of this and it doesn't seem like much. Of course, flatheids don't get the bliss!


On Wednesday afternoon, whilst sitting in the lobby doing the bliss, and I must say it does accumulate, I got a phone call from Brian Wilson. Dearie me! Then I had to come home frozen on my bike and pissed, and go to sleep in the bath. Then I had to get going again and mix with all these old people at New Year. Actually, a bit of a victory since I'd managed to restrain the expectations of the Domestic Bliss and got to come home early doors.

But it doesn't stop then. I hate, truly hate this time of year because of the unremittinglessness of the flatheids. Why don't they all just die and go to hell and leave me alone? Tonight, at least the Dom Bliss went out singing and dancing without me, but tomorrow it all cranks up again. I have to make the tour around Lanarkshire.

Last week I was okay. They were unable to move because they were diseased. Not this week.

You've no idea what a lovely week I can have if the too dumb to meditate, those prehensiles, the evolutionary tails, just fung off and leave me alone.

Tell me, Hotboy, why do you have this problem? I can't stand being close to these morons without drinking myself to death. I think you should be allowed to be armed and you should be allowed to shoot flatheids on sight.

Anyway, the reason why I hate this life at this time of year is because it doesn't fung stop! I have another day to do of it. I've got to get drunk tomorrow night as well. Who could bear to be in the same conversation with the stupid basturns and not get drunk? On Monday I will feel horrible on the bus.

Who's fault is it, Hotboy? It is my fault, Jack. I should have accepted my tao. You're a nasty basturn, so get a gun and just shooty shooty the lot of them.

No nicotine today for maybe ten days. No affect of course. Didn't even notice it!


Heather said...

Where does compassion fit in this? Flatheids going to hell and all? Just wundrin... ;)

Hotboy said...

Heather: Surely, it would be better to be bursting with compassion, but it is better to be bursting with honesty. Why tell you lies? It grinds on! It does terrible things to me. I managed the first week alright, but I'm really struggling now. As usual! Anyway, I'd like to be nice, but I'm not. Every year I tell myself I hate it so much I won't be here next year. It's the time of the year when the amateurs start partying, and the flatheided basturns can't even do that. Of course, no nicotine today hasn't made me the slightest bit crabbit! Hotboy p.s. You're surely a much more compassionate person than I am, also having three children. I know it's a problem, not being very compassionate. But I'm just the same as everyone else, so why are they such lazy stupid basturns? See? Lack of compassion. Spontaneous compassion not arising. Maybe I'll do better when the nicotine dragon has smoked off and died! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

Me thinks that your nicotine dragon is chewing on sensitive bits of you.

The only person you can change in this world is YOU. Moaning about the flatheids and making excuses for your own choices isn't doing any good.

It is insanity to expect different results from the same behavior. So if you keep doing the same things and wanting other things, it could be time for a sanity check.

Of course I live on the edge of the middle of no where and rarely deal with people en mass.

Instead of killing them off, love them anyway and hope that their next incarnation is a gentler and more enlightened one.

Hotboy said...

Marie: Good advice as usual. It's tommorrow now in the morning and I got over the first day without nicotine, so that was well done. The bliss came on when I was still in bed minutes ago. Hurrah! Hotboy

onan the bavarian said...

Maybe joining a gun club would help you get out and mix with some new people.

Hotboy said...

Albert? Let's hope I'm off everything now that it's the 5th of January! Hotboy