Wednesday 7:00 p.m.
Michael Foot died today. The 1983 manifesto the Labour Party fought on stood for unilateral nuclear disarmament. No wonder they lost by a landslide! What kind of idiot would want to vote to get rid of weapons that could destroy practically everybody?
The building in one of the tree photies is a school. Do you know what it's called? Here's a few clues. You can see it out of the window in this room. To go there your parents need to cough up about £24,000 a year. You may become Prime Minister if you go there, which is better than Michael Foot ever did. You could join in invading a foreign country and kill hundreds of thousands of its citizens so you could get their oil for practically bugger all, and still consider yourself to be a pretty good bloke.
Michael Foot was a founder member of CND and a peacemonger. Whatever happened to the Labour Party? I suppose they got elected. I guess the Englanders won't vote left wing parties in.
The 1983 election was the first time I voted for a party other than Labour. It was obvious that they were going to lose. I voted SNP. The leader of the SNP hasn't voted for any oil wars yet. And the SNP want nuclear weapons out of Scotland. Even if Gordon Brown looks like winning, I might vote for the SNP anyway.
The second time I didn't vote for the Labour Party at a General Election was after they voted to invade Iraq. Basturns!
Hotters. Is the school called Footers?
MF was a brilliant orator right enough, but too old to have won that election. Is Tony Benn still around? He was always good value. Went to a good school too.
Albert? Rhymes more with chains, but you're in the right ball park. Hotboy p.s. One of my ex flatmates ended up editing his diaries. Girl who used to work in the Conservative party offices here in Edinburgh. Once a school girlfriend of an enforcer for the Richardsons. Anyway, he's still around, Tony Benn, that is.
I vote Lib Dem to be honest. I am seriously less than impressed with the SNP. Especially out here on the edges. They are fine for you city folks. But us in the remote rural areas are getting screwed.
Peace can't be popular, it isn't scary enough to make the news. If folks aren't scared they don't care.
Personally I think they should outlaw TV and make people read again.
Marie! I'm trying to read again anyway. Politics and religion are topics not to be discussed in polite company. Michael Foot wrote a great article once about how the ends didn't justify the means because the former were affected by the latter. Smart man from a smart family. Hotboy
So you have a colourful past. And thanks to ra crocuses, present.
Albert? What? Hotboy
chico caliente
the sky in the fettes photo is such a beautiful colour...glad the bliss seems to be going from bliss to bliss and that all is well. it´s still raining here, most strange and somehow lovely
Spango Yogini! Fettes College. Correct! Why aren't all schools like that? The photies come out better than real life, and different, so it's the wee men inside the mobile phone who are responsible. But I think the Fettes photie looks great. I'm sure it was raining at the time!! Hotboy p.s. The bliss has been astonishing this weekend.
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