Tuesday 11:30 a.m.
Jack, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.
Say there were tubes of various circumferences, one enclosed in the other. So with the vase breathing sometimes you move from one tube to another of a different circumference. You could think of it as planes, like planes on different levels. You move up and down the planes. It's a bit like that, but not like that at all.
When you are in a different zone, the memory of being there before comes back. But sometimes the zone you find yourself in is the same as the zone you remember, but different, as if something has been added. Whatever zones, you are out of your comfort zone! This is new stuff, the same as the old stuff, but different as well. Maybe it's more like spiralling where you go out and out, but sometimes hit the same part of the diagonal.
For only he was passes this way can understand it, and even he cannot describe it. St John of the Cross.
Sometimes you don't have to hold your breath for very long at all for the outbreath to blow you away. It was like that yesterday. I wasn't too clever early on due to the effects of the disease, but I was getting better later.
One of the signs that you're getting on well is that the air is moving evenly up both nostrils. This is not happening when one of your nostrils (or both!) is blocked by the fung disease. So on the first meditation of yesterday evening, I'm trying hard to clear this nostril with lots of energetic alternate nostril breathing, and that doesn't seem to be working very well. So I'm vase breathing using only one nostril and I'm sure that's not to be recommended. Anyway.
In the session from about nine o clock (The Dom Bliss is watching Wired on the computery thing and I'm sitting close by with the noise blockers on, etc.), suddenly the nostrils were both clear. Then I'm giving it laldy with the vase breathing, but noting that I don't have to hold the breath for more than a few seconds to get a very strong response. And everything is feeling a bit different, and I'm wondering if I've ever been in this zone before or not.
Then you feel your body going into a kind of spasm, and you're sort of watching it shuddering as the whatever seems to rattle up your body, or over your body, or through whatever the overcoat is you've got over your body. And you ask yourself: Am I having a fit? This lasts maybe seven seconds. It's years since I got anything like that.
The only instructions I got from the lama were not to force it and if I get too hot, to do lots of prostrations. I'm not getting too hot, but when you get something like those shudders, you think you'd better give it a wee rest.
Of course, this won't make much sense to most folk coming to this bloggy! Dearie me!
Yesterday evening was the first time I'd managed to do any decent meditations since Thursday or Friday. But it had progressed anyway. I was on trains and planes and buses and not able to give it my proper attention, but it seemed to have progressed anyway.
I woke up this morning at half five and still felt crap, so I phoned in sick again.
The tree photies were from yesterday. The buddhas on the carpet reminded the Domestic Bliss of the kiddo lining up her toys in the long ago. The Dom Bliss is at home this morning as well, so I was meditating in the living room.
I say Hotters, it's all balancing up. I've got the disease too. And I just phoned in sick too. Emailed to be accurate.
Unable to sleep because of the coughing, I tried some blissage between the emanations of yellow photon phlegm.
PS were you having a fit?
Albert? I think yon was one of the signs of a kundalini arousal. Hotboy p.s. Too late for the bliss once you've been given the black spot!
Forget such dualism. We're all dying. The black spot is not even a load of photons, just an absence of photons.
Albert? That's actually quite clever! Hotboy
I say!
Thiis is all very relevant. "In the zone" is a term used to describe what happpens to top class batsmen once they've been at the crease for a while. When they are in the zone, they are particularly focussed.
On another topic, I was watching the Beeb last night via the satellite dish, and there was a programme about diet.
According to the programme, the stone age men who ate lots of vegetables didn't have enough energy to do anything apart from sit around feeling broody all day and recovering from diseases, whereas those who ate pig's arse were much more motivated, and went on to do great things such as inventing civilisation, the great game of cricket, and building the Lords Pavilion.
Mingin'! I watched the same show. It failed to mention the men who sat around all day recovering from diseases after they'd filled the pigs with anti-biotics, growth hormones and fed them on cow brains. But a good case for eating cooked food though. Also, did the raw fruit and vegetables they fed the volunteers include nuts? I don't think so. But I do think we should be allowed to eat human beings. The flesh from the upper arm is most tasty barbecued, I believe. Maybe we should barbecue folk instead of cremating them. Hotboy p.s. I wrote a play once about folk eating bits off each other once. Completely slipped my mind. Have to read it again someday.
Albert? What do you think? Hotboy
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