Thursday 4 September 2008

And on the Seventh Day ...

Thursday 7:50 p.m.
Around the 1840s, the authorities in Japan decided that anyone who said the Emperor wasn't divine was going to get it. A hundred years later hardly anyone in Japan doubted that the joe was divine. So it is important what you teach folk in schools.

The folk who invented the Bible were in the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church, so they knew it was totally untrustworthy and not to be relied on for anything. How come anyone can believe the Bible is the literal word of God when the Catholics don't?

The idea that someone who believed that God literally created the world in seven days (well, I think he had a kip on the seventh day) could become the Vice President of America was a preposterous idea when I was a young man. But not now, Jack, not now!

Evangelical christians must be the stupidest people in the world. Dangerous buggers as well. One of the things some of them believe is that the mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, a most holy place for the moslems, will have to be destroyed so that the jewish temple can be rebuilt, thus heralding the return of Christ. This is after Armageddon, probably known later as World War Three. Someone who thinks God wants the Americans in Iraq is too much of a nutter ..... Thomas Jefferson must be spinning in his grave!!

Anyway, there's a programme just coming on BBC 4 about the Big Bang. Have to go now. God must have a good sense of humour to leave all those dinosaur bones lying around, eh?

XXXTheRealMcCoyXXX has a guy in it who wants to be President so he can set off this apocalypse over the Temple Mount, but it seems that American politics has just gone way beyond satire!!!


Anonymous said...

Look at what the christians did to the pagans in the middle ages. Preach peace and beat people until they became believers.

They are very frightening, as is any religious cult. They just have a lot of money and mobility.

Everyone has a right to their own beliefs. But not to force feed them to the rest of the world.

The last thing this world needs is a generation of kids who ignore science.

Scary stuff for sure.

Anonymous said...

I say!

I saw this and thought of you.


Hotboy said...

Marie: I read the Times (for my sins!). Most loathe to mention that the VP nominee was a looney!
Mingin'! Something about bowels? Might have guessed. Thank god for dial-up. I suppose after the calvinist toilet training, I'll have to make allowances. Hotboy

ion said...

Journalistic outings of Palin (presumptive VP) over the last week have warmed the cockles of my heart.

Palin's selection accrued to her overlapping credentials as a Nazi with a fanny (cf Margaret Thatcher). The GOP can thereby capture the rapturist evangelicals and the female vote in one fell swoop! Result!

This Christian Evangelical mother of 5 has been able to reconcile in her own head Alaskan secession, an anti-abortion stance, support of abstinence-only sex education, her own 17 year old daughter's unplanned pregnancy and (today) an (alleged) extra-marital affair.

Where does she find the time? I expect the nannies and black housekeepers help enormously.

rob said...

Hotters, I understand the dinosaur bones were created, like everything else, 6000 years ago, presumably as a test of our faith. Likewise photons and blissheids.

I'm in the middle of reading Hitchens' God Is Not Great, brilliant and a hoot to boot.

rob said...

Mingers - enjoyed the Library Diaries story.

Anonymous said...

I say!

What this blog needs is more stories about Bogd Khan to liven it up a bit. For example, why did he go blind? And if he was a vegetarian, why did he eat so many of his enemies?

I'm sure this would help a lot.


Hotboy said...

Ion: She'll be president one day!! Took seven points off Obama since the weekend. If she switches to volleyball from basketball, she'd got my vote! Hotboy
Mingin'! Who is this Bogt Khan boy? Was he a blind cricketer?
Albert? Even if God is Not Great, you're going to hell anyway! Hope this helps. Hotboy