Tuesday 1 September 2009

Happy Days!

No wonder the progeny of the evil bourgeois grow up so funged up and neurotic! You don't get any peace in these wee families. Folk are always on your case.

Living in a flat with three other people, I have much more peace to be with myself than I would with only one. You've got to talk to the one a lot. I was brought up in a house with eight other folk in it and I probably hardly said a word to any of them. You pass by. You say hullo. Maybe you don't.

Right now, the flatheids can keep each other company and I don't have to worry bout leaving somebody on their own. So I spent some wonderful times over the weekend in my room with the curtains drawn, staring at candlelight. This is great.

When I got home last night, I felt knackered from the jobbie and a bit crabbit, as I often am at that time of night. Since I couldn't doze off on the couch, I went to my room and lay on the bed. Savasana in a bliss coccoon. This is a bit special and is a wonderful by-product from the meditations. Then I got up and went to the hut.

I was going to do some digging, but the rain came on. After an hour and a half in the hut I came home and had a cannybliss yogurt and then did some skipping and shadow boxing.

What can I say about lanquishing in the bath except that such an experience is something a flatheid will never have. This is a shame.

At half ten I got out of the bath after an hour and a half and then went to bed.

This was the best Monday for ages!! This is the bliss! This is the bliss! This is the bliss!

Needless to say, I haven't started work on the re-writer of xxxBomber yet!!


Anonymous said...

Living with three other people? Have you become a polygamist?

Anonymous said...

I say!

The jobbie is obviously exhausting you. Have you thought about taking things a bit easier at work, and not doing quite as much?


Hotboy said...

Doggy! Nothing so interesting! The kiddo and her boyfriend are staying here for a few weeks. Hotboy p.s. I did start work on the book today.
Mingin'! Just imagine how I'd feel if I actually did anything. I'd be crawling home. It's tiring just being there. I think I need a holiday.

albert said...

Interesting slant on sharing with 3or 8 people. I hadn't thought of that. It all balances up, doesn't it?

rob said...

I say! In your part of the world, does a cannybliss yogurt still count as giving up?

Hotboy said...

Albert? A cannybliss yogurt does not include tobacco or alcohol and does mean still giving up in this limited context. Hope this helps. Hotboy